

Brivo iOS Mobile SDK

Brivo Mobile SDK iOS

A set of reusable libraries, services and components for Swift iOS apps.


Swift Package Manager (SPM) ❤️

Add Brivo Mobile SDK as a dependency using Swift Package Manager.

  • In an app project or framework, in Xcode:

    • Select the menu: File → Swift Packages → Add Package Dependency...
    • Enter this URL:


Before using the Brivo Mobile SDK it is mandatory to configure (through instance) of BrivoSDK class with a BrivoConfiguration object The BrivoConfiguration object requires a set of parameters listed bellow:

do {
    let brivoConfiguration = try BrivoConfiguration(
        clientId: "CLIENT_ID",
        clientSecret: "CLIENT_SECRET",
        useSDKStorage: USE_SDK_STORAGE
} catch let error {
    // Handle BrivoSDK configuration exception

The exception is thrown if the BrivoConfiguration class is not initialized correctly. For example one of the parameters is nil or empty string.

Brivo Mobile SDK Modules


This module implements the Brivo SDK class that is accessible through 'instance' property. It has the following responsibilities:

func getBrivoConfiguration() throws -> BrivoConfiguration
var version: String


This module manages the connection between the application and the Brivo environment. It has the following responsibilities:

/// Redeeming a Brivo Onair Pass. Brivo Onair Pass gives you theaccess to a site and allows you to open access points.
/// Parameters:
/// passId     Pass ID (email) received from Brivo
/// passCode   Pass Code received from Brivo
/// onSuccess  Completion block that handles the success of operation
/// onFailure  Completion block that handles the failure of operation

func redeemPass(
    passId: String,
    passCode: String,
    onSuccess: RedeemPassOnSuccessType?,
    onFailure: OnFailureType?
/// Refreshing a Brivo Onair Pass.
/// Parameters:
/// brivoTokens accessToken received from Brivo
///             refreshToken received from Brivo
/// onSuccess   Completion block that handles the success of operation
/// onFailure   Completion block that handles the failure of operation

func refreshPass(
    brivoTokens: BrivoTokens,
    onSuccess: RefreshPassOnSuccessType?,
    onFailure: OnFailureType?

/// Retrieving the BrivoSDK locally stored passes.
/// Parameters:
/// onSuccess   Completion block that handles the success of operation
/// onFailure   Completion block that handles the failure of operation

func retrieveSDKLocallyStoredPasses(
    onSuccess: RetrieveSDKLocallyStoredPassesOnSuccess?,
    onFailure: OnFailureType?
) throws


This module is used to redeem pass usage

do {
    try BrivoSDKOnAir.instance().redeemPass(
        passId: "PASS_ID",
        passCode: "PASS_CODE",
        onSuccess: { brivoOnAirPass in
            // Manage pass
        onFailure: { responseStatus in
            // Handle redeem pass error case
} catch let error {
    // Handle BrivoSDK initialization exception


This module is used to refresh pass usage

do {
    try BrivoSDKOnAir.instance().refreshPass(
    brivoTokens: tokens,
    onSuccess: { refreshedPass in
        // Manage refreshed pass
    onFailure: { responseStatus in
        // Handle refresh pass error case
} catch let error {
    //Handle BrivoSDK initialization exception


This module is used to retrieve locally stored passes usage

do {
        onSuccess: { brivoOnAirPasses in
            // Manage retrieved passes
        onFailure: { status in
            // Handle passes retrieval error case
} catch let error {
    // Handle BrivoSDK initialization exception


This module provides a simplified interface of unlocking access points either Bluetooth type or Internet type. It has the following responsibilities:

/// Sends a request to BrivoSDK to unlock an access point.
/// This method is called when credentials and data are managedinside of BrivoSDK.
/// Parameters:
/// passId                   Brivo pass id
/// accessPointId            Brivo access point id
/// onSuccess                Completion block that handles thesuccess of operation
/// onFailure                Completion block that handles thefailure of operation
/// cancellationSignal       Cancellation signal for a customized BLEunlock timeout
/// if a null cancellation signal isprovided the default timeout of 30 seconds will be used

func unlockAccessPoint(
    passId: String,
    accessPointId: String,
    onSuccess: OnUnlockAccessPointSuccessType?,
    onFailure: OnFailureType?,
    cancellationSignal: CancellationSignal?
/// Sends a request to BrivoSDK to unlock an access point.
/// This method is called when credentials and data are managedoutside of BrivoSDK.
/// Parameters:
/// selectedAccessPoint      Brivo Selected Access Point to unlock
/// onSuccess                Completion block that handles thesuccess of operation
/// onFailure                Completion block that handles thefailure of operation
/// cancellationSignal       Cancellation signal for a customized BLEunlock timeout
/// if a null cancellation signal isprovided the default timeout of 30 seconds will be used

func unlockAccessPoint(
    selectedAccessPoint: BrivoSelectedAccessPoint,
    onSuccess: OnUnlockAccessPointSuccessType?,
    onFailure: OnFailureType?,
    cancellationSignal: CancellationSignal?


This module is used to unlock access point usage with internal stored credentials

do {
    try BrivoSDKAccess.instance().unlockAccessPoint(
        passId: "PASS_ID",
        accessPointId: "ACCESS_POINT_ID",
        onSuccess: { _ in
            // Handle unlock access point success case
        onFailure: { brivoError in
            // Handle unlock access point error case
} catch let error {
    // Handle BrivoSDK initialization exception


This module is used to unlock access point usage with external credentials

do {
    let selectedAccessPoint = BrivoSelectedAccessPoint(
        accessPointId: ...,
        userId: ...,
        readerUid: ...,
        bleCredentials: ...,
        timeframe: ...,
        passId: ...,
        brivoApiTokens: BrivoTokens(...)
    try BrivoSDKAccess.instance().unlockAccessPoint(
        selectedAccessPoint: selectedAccessPoint,
        onSuccess: { brivoOnAirPass in
            // Handle unlock access point success case
        onFailure: { responseStatus in
            // Handle unlock access point error case
} catch let error {
    // Handle BrivoSDK initialization exception


This module manages the connection between an access point and a panel through bluetooth.


If you run into any bugs or issues, feel free to post an Issues to discuss further.

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Last updated: Sat Dec 21 2024 15:38:03 GMT-1000 (Hawaii-Aleutian Standard Time)