

The Forsta Digital Feedback Mobile SDK provides seamless in-app feedback for any touch point within your mobile application.

What's New



Full Support for React Native

  • In this release, the SDK includes full native survey UI integration, achieving parity with Android and iOS functionalities.
  • Developers can now fully utilize the SDK within React Native.

Breaking Changes (React Native)

  • To support full React Native integration, the SDK includes the following changes:
    • The MobileSdk.initSdk function has been renamed to ConfirmitSdk.initSdk.
    • The MobileSdk.configure functions have been renamed to ServerSdk.configure.
    • The TriggerListener and TriggerManager.setSdkListener methods have been removed.
      • Individual callback functions must now be set through TriggerManager.
      • For example: TriggerManager.setOnWebSurveyStart.


  • The native survey UI now supports the l custom parameter for setting the survey language.
    • If both the l custom parameter and SurveyFrameConfig.languageId are set, the SDK will use the SurveyFrameConfig.languageId.


  • Custom parameters will now be URL encoded when opening a web survey.

Digital Feedback Mobile SDK

The Forsta Digital Feedback Mobile SDK provides seamless in-app feedback for any touch point within your mobile application.


Everything you need to get started with integration can be found in the repository wiki.

Setup (Android)


  • Android API Level 21 or higher (Android 5.0 and above)

  • AndroidX enabled

    • More information about setup and migration for AndroidX can be found here
  • Dependencies

    These dependencies will be automatically downloaded by Gradle sync


Add the SDK dependency to the application level build.gradle file.

// build.gradle (Module)
dependencies {
    implementation 'com.confirmit.mobilesdk:mobilesdk:3.13.0'

Once you make these two changes, simply refresh / sync your gradle dependencies.

R8 / ProGuard

If you are using R8, the shrinking and obfuscation rules will be included automatically.

ProGuard users must manually add following rules.

# Rhino
-keep class org.mozilla.javascript.** { public *; }
-dontwarn org.mozilla.javascript.**

Setup (iOS)


  • Xcode 14.3 or higher
  • Target of iOS 11 or higher
  • Swift 5.8 or higher


1. Using Swift Package Manager

Step 1. Add package URL and dependency to Package.swift

// swift-tools-version:5.8

import PackageDescription

let package = Package(
    name: "<Your Product Name>",
    dependencies: [
		.package(url: "", .upToNextMajor(from: "3.13.0"))
    targets: [
		    name: "<Your Target Name>",
		    dependencies: [
		        .product(name: "ConfirmitMobileSDK", package: "DigitalFeedbackMobileSDK")

Step 2. Run swift package resolve

2. Using CocoaPods

Step 1. Add local pod path to the Podfile.

platform :ios, '11.0'

# Your target
target 'MyApp' do
  # ... others pods
  pod 'ConfirmitMobileSDK', '3.13.0'

Step 2. Run pod update.

3. Manual Method

Step 1. Clone Github repository.

Step 2. If the Framework folder doesn't already exist, right-click on your project in the project navigator (top-most entry), and select “New Group”. Name the new group Frameworks.

Step 3. Drag and drop it from Finder into the Frameworks folder. Make sure that the destination is just under the Frameworks folder before dropping.

Step 4. Then, make sure the following options are selected for adding files:

  • Both “Copy items if needed” and “Create groups” should be checked and selected.
  • Click Finish.

Setup (React Native)


  • Platform
    • react-native 0.72.4 or higher
  • Dependencies
    • react-native-webview (>=13.6.2)


Step 1. NPM install packages

react-native-webview needs to be installed manually before the SDK, or else the native modules will have to be linked up manually.

// Please install react-native-webview manually
// npm install react-native-webview
npm install @forstaglobal/react-native-mobilesdk

Step 2. Run pod install inside ios folder


  • Swift Tools 5.8.0
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  • None
Last updated: Thu Oct 17 2024 19:25:56 GMT-0900 (Hawaii-Aleutian Daylight Time)