BearyChat FP(functional-programming) hubot SDK.
dependencies: [
.package(url: "", from: "0.0.1"),
You just need to invoke only one function:
run(main, with: "your_rtm_token")
The type of main
is IO<()>
let main = RTM.loopToRead >>- Console.echo
run(main, with: "your_rtm_token")
So you can loop to read hubot incoming messages and print it in the console.
Call Message.filter(to:)
to map JSON string to Normal incoming message.
let main = RTM.loopToRead
>>- Message.filter(to: Message.Normal.self)
>>- Console.echoLn
Call RTM.sendMsg
to send Outgoing
let main = RTM.loopToRead
>>- Console.debug { print("Did read string: \($0)") }
>>- Message.filter(for: Message.Normal.self)
>>- {
Message.Outgoing(type: .P2P(to: $0.uid),
vchannelId: $0.vchannelId,
text: "Hello " + $0.text,
referKey: $0.key)
>>- RTM.sendMsg
run(main, with: "your_rtm_token")
let baike: (String) -> IO<String> = { keyword in
IO { send in
let appid = ""
var request = URLRequest(url: URL(string: "")!)
request.httpBody = "appid=\(appid)&bk_key=\(keyword)".data(using: .utf8)
request.httpMethod = "POST"
URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: request){ data, _, _ in
guard let data = data, let desc: String = data.json?["abstract"] else {
print("Parse error!")
let main = RTM.loopToRead
>>- Message.filter(for: Message.Normal.self)
>>- Message.replyBindText(refer: true, baike)
>>- RTM.sendMsg
run(main, with: "your_rtm_token")
let actions = [
"\\baike": baike(appId: "your_app_id"),
"\\huoxing": huoxing(appId: "your_app_id"),
"辣鸡": { _ in .return("闭嘴,无耻小人!") },
"苟": { _ in .return("利国家生死以") },
"岂": { _ in .return("因祸福避趋之") }
let main = RTM.loopToRead
>>- Message.filter(to: Message.Normal.self)
>>- Message.reply(with: actions, refer: true, empty: "唔知你讲咩~")
>>- RTM.sendMsg
run(main, with: "your_rtm_token")