


EpubReaderLight is a Swift package that that allow you to present the content of EPUB book. There are no any additional UI elements that will be showen except the book reader itself. It's implemented the way you will be able to provide a native experience for the user.


It's a Swift Package, so you need to do the following:

  • Open File in Xcode menu
  • Open Swift Packages
  • Choose Add Package Dependency... option
  • In the Enter package repository URL field paste this URL: https://github.com/pichukov/epub-reader-light
  • Choose any existing version or take it from main branch


Add import EpubReaderLight to your swift file.

Create an instance of ReaderViewController:

let readerController = ReaderViewController(theme: .dark, eventsHandler: self)
  • theme: initial dark or light mode for the reader
  • eventsHandler: delegate that will handle events from reader

Class that will be injected as a delegate should conform ReaderEventsHandler protocol.

To load the book, you need to provide a local URL:

try? await readerController.loadBook(url: url)

You also can inject a default configuration:

try? await readerController.loadBook(
    url: url,
    bookSavedData: BookSavedData(
        theme: .light,
        fontSize: 24,
        font: "Avenir Next",
        page: 10
  • theme: initial dark or light mode for the reader
  • fontSize: size of the font in book
  • font: font style
  • page: initial page that will be opened


  • Swift Tools 5.8.0
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  • None
Last updated: Mon Dec 09 2024 01:46:06 GMT-1000 (Hawaii-Aleutian Standard Time)