Create and parse command line options for your cli application. Help documentation is auto created for you.
Implement the CliRunnable protocol and provide some CLIOptions.
CliOption(keys:["-o", "--option"], description:"Some Option", requiresValue:false)
This gives your command line application the ability to add some options when you execute your application.
app -o
or app --option
You can set the requiresValue property to true or false to specify if the option requires a value or not
app -o some-value
or app -o
Set the action to be performed when the option is triggered
public var action: ((CliOption) throws -> Void)?
You can add sub options in the requiredArguments and optionalArguments arrays to create a command and additional options for the command
var command = CliOption(keys:["custom-command"], description:"Custom Command", requiresValue:false)
let option = CliOption(keys:["-o", "--option"], description:"Some Option", requiresValue:false)
command.add(argument: option, required: false)
app custom-command --option
A command can either have optionalArguments or requiredArguments
let secondaryOption = CliOption(keys:["-a", "--alternate-option"], description:"Alternate Option", requiresValue:true)
command.add(argument: option, required: true)
app custom-command --alternate-option my-required-value
Help commands are automatically created from the CliOptions and CliOptionGroups
app help
or app --help
or app -h
or no options at all app
App Description
Custom Commands:
custom-command Do something custom
app custom-command help
app custom-command [OPTIONS]
Custom Command
-o, --option Some Option
-a, --alternate-option Alternate Option
if you want to group related commands together for the printed help, use the CliOptionGroup
var psCommand = CliOption(keys:["ps"], description:"Process Status", requiresValue:false)
var lsCommand = CliOption(keys:["ls"], description:"List Directory Contents", requiresValue:false)
CliOptionGroup(description:"BSD General Commands:", options: [psCommand, lsCommand])
var sshCommand = CliOption(keys:["ssh"], description:"OpenSSH SSH client (remote login program)")
var scpCommand = CliOption(keys:["sap"], description:"Secure copy (remote file copy program)")
CliOptionGroup(description:"SSH Commands:", options: [sshCommand, scpCommand])
app --help
App Description
BSD General Commands:
ps Process Status
ls List Directory Contents
SSH Commands:
ssh OpenSSH SSH client (remote login program)
scp Secure copy (remote file copy program)
struct App : CliRunnable {
var description: String? = "App Description\n"
let appUsage = "app COMMAND [OPTIONS]\n"
let customCommandUsage = "app custom-command [OPTIONS]\n"
//prepare your commands and options
var command = CliOption(keys:["custom-command"], description:"Do something custom", requiresValue:false)
let option = CliOption(keys:["-o", "--option"], description:"Some Option", requiresValue:false)
let secondaryOption = CliOption(keys:["-a", "--alternate-option"], description:"Alternate Option", requiresValue:true)
var group = CliOptionGroup(description:"Commands Group:")
public init(){
//add your options and to groups
command.add(argument: option)
command.add(argument: secondaryOption, required: true)
cliOptionGroups = [group]
public var cliOptionGroups: [CliOptionGroup]
public func usage(option: CliOption?) -> String? {
return option != nil ? customCommandUsage : appUsage