

An extension to Astral that uses BrightFutures as the abstraction of asynchronous programming


BFAstral is an extension to Astral that uses Futures/Promises to make http networking calls.

BFAstral makes use of the BrightFutures library to flatten the asynchronous calls associated with networking, making your code base as readable as possible.

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BFAstral requires iOS 9.3 or higher and Swift 3.x



  1. Add the following to your Podfile:
pod 'BFAstral'
  1. Integrate your dependencies using frameworks: add use_frameworks! to your Podfile.
  2. Run pod install.

A Simple Example

Here's an example using the Pokemon API and the implementations of RequestBuilder and BFDispatcher.

Feel free to build and customize your own implementations. Simply adopt the appropriate protocols.

struct PokeAPIConfiguration: RequestConfiguration {

    let scheme: URLScheme = URLScheme.http

    let host: String = ""

    let basePathComponents: [String] = [

    let baseHeaders: Set<Header> = [
        Header(key: Header.Field.contentType, value: Header.Value.mediaType(MediaType.applicationJSON))
struct PokemonRequest: Request {

    let id: Int

    let configuration: RequestConfiguration = PokeAPIConfiguration()

    let method: HTTPMethod = HTTPMethod.get

    let pathComponents: [String] = [

    let parameters: [String : Any] = [:]

    let headers: Set<Header> = []
let queue: DispatchQueue = DispatchQueue(label: "pokeapi", qos: DispatchQoS.utility, attributes: [DispatchQueue.Attributes.concurrent])

let request: Request = PokemonRequest(id: 1)
let dispatcher: BFDispatcher = BFDispatcher()

dispatcher.response(of: request)
    .onSuccess(queue.context) { (response: Response) -> Void in
    // let responseData: Data =
    // Do something with data
    // or
    // let dictionary: [String: Any] = response.json.dictValue
    // Do something with dictionary
    .onFailure(queue.context) { (error: NetworkingError) -> Void in
    // Handle the error
    .onComplete(queue.context) { (result: Result<Data, NetworkingError>) -> Void in
    // Handle the completion of the network request
    // such as clean up of the UI


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Last updated: Fri Mar 07 2025 07:42:35 GMT-1000 (Hawaii-Aleutian Standard Time)