

Maraca establishes connections between your iOS application using our iOS CaptureSDK and a web application using our CaptureJS SDK. This enables the web application to connect with our scanners and NFC readers with the same flexibilty that our iOS SDK provides

Maraca Version 1.0.10 - Swift Package Manager

Socket Mobile is a leading innovator of data capture and delivery solutions for enhanced productivity.

Maraca establishes connections between your iOS application using our iOS CaptureSDK and a web application using our CaptureJS SDK. This enables the web application to connect with our scanners and NFC readers with the same flexibilty that our iOS SDK provides.

Devices compatibility and Maraca versions

Devices < 1.0.7 >= 1.0.7 1.0.10
SocketCam C820
D600, S550, and all other barcode scanners

Table of Contents

Quick install notes

Maraca is using Swift Package Manager.

First, you need to install Xcode.

To include the SDK in your Xcode project you have to add a Package Dependency in the project's settings section and in the tab "Package Dependencies".

Add the url of this repository:

Add the Package to the project

Once you have added the package, you should see Maraca added to your Package Dependencies in Xcode's Project Navigator as follow:

Added Package to the project

Note: this Maraca Swift Package has as a dependency our CaptureSDK Swift Package, as it was with Cocoapods back then.


Under the hood, Maraca is an umbrella for our iOS Capture SDK. So naturally, you need to provide credentials to get started.

The most important step is to call observeJavascriptMessageHandlers(_:) You may provide your own Javascript Message Handler names if you're familiar with WKUserContentController. Otherwise, this can be nil. This function enables messages containing data to be transferred from your web application using CaptureJS to your iOS application.

Inside the completion handler of beging(withAppKey:appId:developerId:completion:), create your WKWebView using the public Maraca.shared.webViewConfiguration configuration

override func viewDidLoad() {


private func setupMaraca() {
    let appKey =        <Your App Key>
    let appId =         <Your App ID>
    let developerId =   <Your Developer ID>
    let bundle = Bundle.main
    Maraca.shared.injectCustomJavascript(mainBundle: bundle, javascriptFileNames: ["getInputForDecodedData"])
        .observeJavascriptMessageHandlers( { $0.rawValue })
        .setDelegate(to: self)
        .begin(withAppKey: appKey,
               appId: appId,
               developerId: developerId,
               completion: { [weak self] (result) in

                    if result == .E_NOERROR {
                    } else {
                        // Encountered some error, inspect result

// Initialize WKWebView with Maraca.shared.webViewConfiguration after
// setting up Maraca
private var webview: WKWebView!

private func setupUI() {

    webview = {
        let w = WKWebView(frame: .zero, configuration: Maraca.shared.webViewConfiguration)
        w.navigationDelegate = self
        return w
    // Set up constraints, etc..
    let myWebApplicationURLString = .....
    guard let url = URL(string: myWebApplicationURLString) else {
    loadMyWebApplication(with: url)


Full documentation can be found here


To run the example project, go to the Example directory first.


Maraca is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.


  • Swift Tools 5.6.0
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Last updated: Fri Mar 07 2025 22:00:16 GMT-1000 (Hawaii-Aleutian Standard Time)