

Library for interacting with MetricKit

What's New


  • Addresses #11 , where frames that use > 32 bits of address space (which does happen) will result in a crash during on-device symbolication.

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Meter is a companion library to MetricKit. It aims to provide the following capabilities:

  • API for MXCallStackTree
  • Types for MXDiagnostic emulation and coding
  • MXMetricManager-like interface for unsupported platforms
  • On-device symbolication
  • Account for MetricKit inconsistencies across platforms and types
  • Support for custom exception reporting

If you're also looking for a way to transmit MetricKit data to your server, have a look at MeterReporter. It uses Meter under the hood, and takes care of the details.


dependencies: [
    .package(url: "")

Expanded API

The MetricKit API for crash reporting is unwieldy. In particular, MXCallStackTree lacks any kind of interface for interacting with its structure. Meter includes some classes that make it easier to work with. In addition to providing an API for MXCallStackTree, Meter includes types to emulate and parse MetricKit diagnostics.

let data = mxTree.jsonRepresentation()
let tree = try CallStackTree.from(data: data)

for frame in tree.callStacks[0].frames {
    print("\(frame.address) \(frame.binaryName) \(frame.binaryUUID)")

Custom Exceptions

As of iOS 17, macOS 14, visionOS 1.0, MetricKit does capture uncaught NSExceptions. To help support older OSes, and exceptions that do not originate from places that are covered by this feature, custom exceptions are also supported. These can be created from an NSException object, which will capture all the needed runtime information to emulate a standard CallStack.

How you actually get access to the NSException is not defined by Meter. But, if you have one, the CrashDiagnostic type also includes an exceptionInfo property that can accept one of these for easy encoding.

MXMetricManager and Diagnostics Polyfill

MetricKit's crash reporting facilities require iOS 14/macOS 12.0, and isn't supported at all for tvOS or watchOS. You may want to start moving towards using it as a standard interface between your app and whatever system consumes the data. Meter offers an API that's very similar to MetricKit's MXMetricManager to help do just that.

// adding a subscriber

extension MyObject: MeterPayloadSubscriber {
    func didReceive(_ payloads: [DiagnosticPayloadProtocol]) {
        // this will be called for both simulated payloads *and* MeterKit payloads on OSes it supports
        print("received payloads \(payloads)")

// posting diagnostics

This makes it easier to support the full capabilities of MetricKit when available, and gracefully degrade when they aren't. It can be nice to have a uniform interface to whatever backend system you are using to consume the reports. And, as you move towards a supported minimum, and as (hopefully) Apple starts supporting MetricKit on all platforms, it will be easier to pull out Meter altogether.

Backwards compatibility is still up to you, though. One solution is ImpactMeterAdapter, which uses Impact to collect crash data for OSes that don't support MXCrashDiagnostic.

On-Device Symbolication

The stack traces provided by MetricKit, like other types of crash logs, are not symbolicated. There are a bunch of different ways to tackle this problem, but one very convenient option is just to do it as a post-processing step on the device where the crash occurred. This does come, however, with one major drawback. It only works when you still have access to the same binaries. OS updates will almost certainly change all the OS binaries. The same is true for an app update, though in that case, an off-line symbolication step using a dSYM is still doable.

Meter provides an API for performing symbolication, via the Symbolicator protocol. The core of this protocol should be usable to symbolicate any address, and is not tied to MetricKit. But, the protocol also does include a number of convenience methods that can operate on the various MetricKit classes. The result uses the Meter's wrapper classes to return Frame instances which include a symbolInfo property. This property can be accessed directly or just re-encoded for transport.

let symbolicator = DlfcnSymbolicator()
let symPayload = symbolicator.symbolicate(payload: diagnosticPayload)


This class implements the Symbolicator protocol, and uses the functions with dlfcn.h to determine symbol/offset. This works, but does have some limitations. First, it relies on looking up symbols in the currently executing process, so it will only work if the needed binary is currently loaded.

Second, these functions return <redacted> for some binary's symbols on iOS. I know the symbol information is still accessible from the binary, so it's unclear why this is done.

This is a relatively inexpensive symbolication pass, and is a first effort. Further work here is definitely necessary.

Contributing and Collaboration

I prefer collaboration, and would love to find ways to work together if you have a similar project.

I prefer indentation with tabs for improved accessibility. But, I'd rather you use the system you want and make a PR than hesitate because of whitespace.

Suggestions or Feedback

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Last updated: Sun Oct 20 2024 05:30:41 GMT-0900 (Hawaii-Aleutian Daylight Time)