



Platforms SPM Compatible License happn

A new format for your locs.


Use SPM.

In your Package.swift, in the dependencies argument, add:

.package(url: "https://github.com/happn-app/XibLoc.git", from: "1.0.0")

and add XibLoc to the list of dependencies of your app.

If you’re using Xcode, add a Swift Package in the settings of your project.

Important Note

The repository does have an xcodeproj with a shared scheme for debug purposes. The project might be compatible with Carthage–or not. It is not officially supported but might work for you.

Linux Support

XibLoc is fully supported on Linux, except we do not allow attributed strings. NSAttributedString is technically supported on Linux, and we could allow it. However, as of 2021-06-09, Linux does not have either UIFont nor NSFont, same goes for colors, and thus attributed strings are far less useful. Also, AttributedString does not seems to be supported.

Important Information for XibLoc’s Devs

If you’re working on XibLoc on macOS, you have to use the xcodeproj in the project and not open Package.swift in Xcode.
The project does not compile because the tests need macOS 10.11 to run when launching the Package.swift directly. And even when setting the correct minimum version for macOS, some tests are still not run (ObjC tests) and some tests only work when launched with the xcodeproj (use resources in a bundle).


This project was originally created by François Lamboley while working at happn.


  • Swift Tools 5.8.0
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Last updated: Fri Mar 07 2025 08:26:15 GMT-1000 (Hawaii-Aleutian Standard Time)