

Hashable and Codable support for existential types


A set of Swift Macros designed to facilitate the conformance of existential types to Equatable, Hashable, Decodable, Encodable, and Codable.


Until Swift gains support for extending existential types, they cannot satisfy generic constraints on their own.

protocol Drinkable: Hashable {}

// Is ill-formed, because `any Drinkable` does not conform to `Hashable`,
// despite the fact that every `Drinkable` instance does.
struct Foo: Hashable {
    let drinkable: any Drinkable

Overcoming this limitation requires extensive boilerplate code. This package offers a set of macros that can be attached to your protocol to synthesize ready-to-use property wrappers over the existential type of the annotated protocol. These wrappers act as proxies for the respective conformances.

import SwiftConformableExistential

protocol Drinkable: Hashable {}

// `HashableDrinkable` is a `Hashable` wrapper over `any Drinkable`,
// synthesized of the attached `@HashableExistential` macro,
// allowing the compiler to now synthesize the `Hashable` implementation for `Foo`.
struct Foo: Hashable {

    var drinkable: any Drinkable

Alternatively, the wrappers can also be used on-the-fly, particularly in situations where employing property wrappers is not suitable:

struct Tap: View {

    @State private var drinkable: any Drinkable = .smallBeer
    var body: some View {
        .onChange(of: HashableDrinkable(drinkable)) { _, newValue in

For more, see the documentation.


Via SwiftPM.

In your package dependencies:

.package(url: "https://github.com/stansmida/swift-conformable-existential.git", from: "0.4.0"),

And in your target dependencies:

.product(name: "SwiftConformableExistential", package: "swift-conformable-existential"),

And don't forget to import in files where annotating your protocols:

import SwiftConformableExistential


  • Swift Tools 5.10.0
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Last updated: Thu Dec 05 2024 01:10:22 GMT-1000 (Hawaii-Aleutian Standard Time)