

Swift Interface for Firebase


Swift bindings for firebase-cpp-sdk, loosely modelled after the iOS APIs. It serves as both exploration of the C++ Interop as well as a means of using Firebase on Windows from Swift.


The Swift interface to Firebase is built upon the Firebase C++ SDK. As a result, the package requires that the C++ SDK is available and distributed to the clients. The package expects that the firebase SDK is present in the root of the source tree under third_party/firebase-development/usr.

As of 2023-08-10, the Firebase SDK requires some changes to support the Swift/C++ interop. The changes for this are available here. This has sent upstream as firebase/firebase-cpp-sdk#1414.



  1. Make sure you have a Swift toolchain that supports C++ interop.
  2. Download the lastest build of the Firebase C++ SDK from https://github.com/thebrowsercompany/firebase-cpp-sdk/tags, click on the tag and then download the pre-build artifacts. These will be called firebase-windows-amd64.zip or firebase-windows-arm64.zip depending on which architecture you'd like to build for.
  3. Run md third_party\firebase-development to create the directory where we will extract the Firebase C++ SDK release that was just downloaded
  4. Extract the Firebase C++ SDK release into the third_party\firebase-development directory that was just created.
  5. Modify the Examples\FireBaseUI\Resources\google-services.json file to include the correct values from Firebase.


It can be useful to mark the google-services.json file as assumed unchanged so you don't accidentially check it in with real credentials. To do that, you can run the following: git update-index --assume-unchanged .\Examples\FireBaseUI\Resources\google-services.json



Assuming a build of firebase is available in the top level under third_party\firebase-development\usr, the package should build as a standard SPM package using:

swift build

A demo application is included as a sample and requires some additional setup due to the auxiliary files needing to be deployed.

swift build --product FireBaseUI
copy Examples\FireBaseUI\Info.plist .build\debug\
copy Examples\FireBaseUI\FireBaseUI.exe.manifest .build\debug\
swift run


Assuming a build of firebase is available in the top level under third_party\firebase-development\usr, the package should build as a standard CMake package using:

cmake -B out -G Ninja -S .

You should be able to run the demo application subsequently by just launching it as:



  • Swift Tools 5.9.0
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Last updated: Wed Nov 06 2024 01:29:44 GMT-1000 (Hawaii-Aleutian Standard Time)