

Swift interface BIGNUM functions in BoringSSL

What's New



Patch release changes

  • Make BigNum Sendable


BigNum provides a Swift wrapper for the BoringSSL BIGNUM library.

It provides most of the standard library functions

  • Basic arithmetic operators (with and without modulus)
  • Bitwise operators
  • Powers (with and without modulus)
  • Greatest common denominator
  • Prime generation
  • Random number generation



Below is a function that creates factorial 1000 and then verifies that for every number from 1 to 1000 the greatest common denominator between the variable factorial and that number is equal to that number.

        var factorial = BigNum(1)
        for i in 1..<1000 {
            factorial = factorial * BigNum(i)
        for i in 1..<1000 {
            assert(BigNum.gcd(i, factorial) == i)

fyi factorial 1000 is quite a big number


Secure Remote Password

Another standard operation that BigNum can be used for is generating Secure Remote Password keys. Assuming we have the following

  • Safe prime N
  • Generator value g (very commonly 2)
  • Random number a
  • A hashing function H
  • username and password

A value A is calculated and sent to the server

A = g.power(a, modulus: N)

The server responds with a large value B and a salt value. Then the client generates the password authentication key

// calculate u = H(A,B)
let u = BigNum(data: H(,

// calculate x = H(salt , H(userId | ":" | password))
let message = Data("\(username):\(password)".utf8)
let x = BigNum(data: H(salt, H(message)))

// calculate k = H(N,g)
let k = BigNum(data: H(,

// calculate S
let S = (B - k * g.power(x, modulus: N)).power(a + u * x, modulus: N)

A hashed version of S can be sent back to the server and the server can use that to verify the correct password was provided.


BigNum uses a vendored cutdown version of BoringSSL (Google's version of OpenSSL) so doesn't require a separate OpenSSL library. This means it can be run on iOS and on macOS and Linux platforms without requiring a separate library to be installed.


  • Swift Tools 5.1.0
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  • None
Last updated: Sun Oct 20 2024 03:53:02 GMT-0900 (Hawaii-Aleutian Daylight Time)