

Templar - template generator

Templar - a new way for template generating

Build Status License: MIT Swift Version

How it work?

For beginning you are must install Templar in your project.

$ templar init

or if your project using xcode:

$ templar init --xcodeproj

Templar will create YAML config .templar and .templates directory.

Let's talk about each a new generated file:

1) .templar

.templar contains information about your project and path for templates directory.

For example we will talk about project using xcode:

# Templar file

version: 1.0.0 # config version 
templateFolder: .templates # path to templates directory
kind: # Information about your project
    name: templar.xcodeproj # your project file name
    targets: # list of targets for generation
      - templar
     templates: # list of templates name
      - mvvm
2) Templates

After install your templar, you can use command templar template new [templateName] for generation a template directory with blank. Each template going to contains in personal folder.

The template directory will contains [templateName].templar and looks like this:

# Template file

version: 1.0.0 # template version. 
summary: ENTER_YOUR_SUMMORY # Bit of information about your template and what it do.
author: ENTER_YOUR # Authour name or links
root: Sources/templar # Path to folder where templar will generate your templates.
files: # Template files
  - path: View/ViewController.swift # Path for place where file will contains after process
    templatePath: View/ViewController.swift.templar # Path to template
replaceRules: # Keys for replacing
   - pattern: __CLASS_NAME__ # Key for replace. You can use regexp here.
     question: 'Name of your class:' # Question will display in terminal and answer will use for replace pattern

How to use?

$ templar generate [templateName] [moduleName]

Templar will asks the user questions from your template config file and will replace each pattern on answer. Pretty simple, right?

How to write template?

The first you going to create template file and set patterns for replace. Like example it will __CLASS_NAME__

class __CLASS_NAME__ViewController: UIViewController {
  // Other code

After that you should add path to your template file and path to finish directory in your template config.

# Template file

varsion: 1.0.0
 - path: View/ViewController.swift
   templatePath: View/ViewController.swift.templar

Okay, that it. When you will generate template, Templar will create the file using [moduleName] like name of your files. Like example View/MyPrettyViewController.swift.

Templar will replacing each pattern using user answers from questions.

Next chapter:

Pattern can be modified with next separated keys:

  • =lowercase=
  • =firstLowercased=
  • =uppercase=
  • =firstUppercased=
  • =snake_case=

Notifce: All modifier can be use for each pattern once. Also modifier case sensative!

Example with modifiers:

class __CLASS_NAME__Presenter {

   func __CLASS_NAME__=firstLowercased=ViewControllerDidLoad() {
     // Code

Default patterns

Templar there is default patterns for replacing.

  • __NAME__ - module name taken from argument [moduleName]
  • __FILE__ - file name
  • __PROJECT__ - project name taken from templar config -> xcodeproj -> name or nil. Can be modified with template settings template -> settings -> projectName
  • __AUTHOR__ - author name, taken from template -> author. If author name not exists in template, this key will not replace.
  • __YEAR__ - current year.
  • __DATE__ - current date with format dd/MM/YYYY. Can be modified with template settings template -> settings -> dateFormat
  • __COMPANY_NAME__ - your company name taken from templar -> companyName or nil.
  • (FUTURE) __LICENSE__ - will replace key on license file in project root directory. Path can be modified with template settings template -> settings -> licensePath. OR take license template and replace each key using default patterns.

Template settings

Settings will contains specification for replacing or some action will add in future.

# Template file

version: 1.0.0
  dateFormat: dd/MM/YY
  projectName: Templar
  licensePath: LICENSE #will add in future release


Yup, Templar supported scripts. Scripts will run when template did finish successfully and will execute using bash.

For creating scripts just use command: templar template new [templateName] --use-scripts or set manual scripts: parameter to your template.

Like example generate a new xcodeproj for your SPM project:

# Template file

  - swift package generate-xcodeproj


Using Makefile

$ git clone https://github.com/SpectralDragon/Templar.git
$ cd Templar
$ make

Using Mint 🌱

$ mint install SpectralDragon/Templar

Using the Swift Package Manager 🛠

$ git clone https://github.com/SpectralDragon/Templar.git
$ cd Templar
$ swift build -c release -Xswiftc -static-stdlib
$ cd .build/release
$ cp -f templar /usr/local/bin/templar


Vladislav Prusakov, twitter


Templar is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.


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  • None
Last updated: Fri Mar 07 2025 21:44:56 GMT-1000 (Hawaii-Aleutian Standard Time)