

ASN.1 support for Swift Codable

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ASN1Codable is a Swift framework for ASN.1 encoding and decoding Swift Codable types.

For the most part, the ASN.1 type system is isomorphic to Swift’s, for example:

  • SEQUENCE or SET is mapped to a struct
  • CHOICE or ENUMERATED type to an enum
  • SEQUENCE OF to Array
  • SET OF to SET
  • OPTIONAL to Optional

Types can be defined directly in Swift, or generated from the ASN.1 using a translator that reads the output of Heimdal’s asn1_compile tool.

Features supported by ASN1Codable include:

  • Integration with Heimdal ASN.1 compiler asn1_compile through asn1json2swift translator tool
  • Open types (runtime determination of Swift type corresponding to ASN.1 type)
  • Encoding and decoding of any Swift type that conforms to Encodable or Decodable (respectively)
  • AUTOMATIC tagging
  • Large integers using BigNumber
  • Preservation of encoded value on decode in _save (e.g. for verifying signatures)


ASN.1 encoding and decoding is presently provided by the ASN1Kit library, although this should be treated as an implementation detail.

ASN.1 types have additional metadata, most prominently tag numbers and tagging environments (such as IMPLICIT or EXPLICIT), which have no natural representation in Swift. Presently ASN1Codable uses a variety of language features to associate ASN.1 metadata with Swift types.

Generally this involves using a custom CodingKey type that either directly encodes the tag number (for types with uniform tagging) or provides a function mapping a key to metadata. There are some cases, such as type aliases and enumerated types with non-uniform tagging, where generic wrappers are used instead. For universal types such as integers and strings, ASN1Codable uses Swift type metadata.


You can use the encoder and decoder as follows:

let encodedValue = try ASN1Encoder().encode(1234)
let decodedValue = try ASN1Decoder().decode(Int.self, from: encodedValue)

There are plenty of other examples in the Tests directory.


The asn1json2swift tool reads the JSON AST representation emitted by asn1_compile and emits Swift source code. Note that you will need to use the master branch of Heimdal if you wish to recompile the ASN.1 as the translator depends on some new features of the ASN.1 compiler.

Features include:

  • Emitting types as struct, class, or @objc class (the default is struct, unless the type is preserved or self-referencing)
  • Mapping of ASN.1 types to user defined types
  • Propagation of preservation (_save) and decoration options
  • DEFAULT values through getter synthesis
  • User-specified additional conformances

There are some limitations, for example anonymous nested types are not supported, and there are some cases where property wrapper initializers are not correctly emitted. These are easily worked around.


The asn1json2swift tool should be invoked with the JSON output of the Heimdal asn1_compile tool.

asn1json2swift translate --input [file] --output [file]
    --map-type [ASN1Type]:[@class|@objc|@external|SwiftType]
    --conform-type [*|ASN1Type]:[SwiftProtocol]

The --map-type option allows an ASN.1 type to be emitted as a Swift or Objective-C class, or to be excluded. If @external is specified, then you should provide a Swift typealias or type with that name. If a Swift type is specified, then the translator will emit a typealias but no type definition.

The --conform-type allows additional protocol conformances to be emitted for a given ASN.1 type. By default all types are Codable; if they are included in a SET then they are also Hashable and Equatable. Types marked by the ASN.1 compiler as preserving the original encoded value also conform to ASN1PreserveBinary. Types that themselves are tagged conform to ASN1TaggedType. A Swift struct translated from a SET conforms to the market protocol ASN1SetCodable. Other protocol conformances are used to indicate extensible and open types.


This repository includes Certificate.framework, a C API modeled on the macOS Security.framework, as a proof of concept. Included also is a certutil tool for reading a PEM-encoded certificate and outputting a JSON representation, along with the SAN and re-encoded DER. The Swift types are generated from rfc2459.json at build time, which in turn (if /usr/local/heimdal/bin/asn1_compile is present) is generated from rfc2459.asn1.


certutil parse --file [file]|--string [string] --json --reencode --san



The SEQUENCE below can be represented using the ASN1ContextTagged property wrapper.

TBSCertificate  ::=  SEQUENCE  {
     version         [0]  Version OPTIONAL, -- EXPLICIT DEFAULT 1,
     serialNumber         CertificateSerialNumber,
     signature            AlgorithmIdentifier,
     issuer               Name,
     validity             Validity,
     subject              Name,
     subjectPublicKeyInfo SubjectPublicKeyInfo,
     issuerUniqueID  [1]  IMPLICIT BIT STRING -- UniqueIdentifier -- OPTIONAL,
                          -- If present, version shall be v2 or v3
     subjectUniqueID [2]  IMPLICIT BIT STRING -- UniqueIdentifier -- OPTIONAL,
                          -- If present, version shall be v2 or v3
     extensions      [3]  EXPLICIT Extensions OPTIONAL
                          -- If present, version shall be v3


class TBSCertificate: Codable {
    @ASN1ContextTagged<ASN1TagNumber$0, ASN1ExplicitTagging, Version?>
    var version: Version? = nil
    var serialNumber: CertificateSerialNumber
    var signature: AlgorithmIdentifier
    var issuer: Name
    var validity: Validity
    var subject: Name
    var subjectPublicKeyInfo: SubjectPublicKeyInfo
    @ASN1ContextTagged<ASN1TagNumber$1, ASN1ImplicitTagging, BitString?>
    var issuerUniqueID: BitString? = nil
    @ASN1ContextTagged<ASN1TagNumber$2, ASN1ImplicitTagging, BitString?>
    var subjectUniqueID: BitString? = nil
    @ASN1ContextTagged<ASN1TagNumber$3, ASN1ExplicitTagging, Extensions?>
    var extensions: Extensions? = nil

Ergonomics are slightly improved by avoiding the property wrapper and instead using a specialised CodingKeys. This format exposes ASN1Kit internal types (specifically ASN1DecodedTag) and is such not guaranteed to be stable across releases; rather, it is only to be used by the asn1json2swift translator.

struct TBSCertificate: Codable {
    enum CodingKeys: ASN1MetadataCodingKey {
        case version
        case serialNumber
        case signature
        case issuer
        case validity
        case subject
        case subjectPublicKeyInfo
        case issuerUniqueID
        case subjectUniqueID
        case extensions

        static func metadata(forKey key: Self) -> ASN1Metadata? {
            let metadata: ASN1Metadata?

            switch key {
            case version:
                metadata = ASN1Metadata(tag: .taggedTag(0), tagging: .explicit)
            case issuerUniqueID:
                metadata = ASN1Metadata(tag: .taggedTag(1), tagging: .implicit)
            case subjectUniqueID:
                metadata = ASN1Metadata(tag: .taggedTag(2), tagging: .implicit)
            case extensions:
                metadata = ASN1Metadata(tag: .taggedTag(3), tagging: .explicit)
                metadata = nil

            return metadata

    var version: Version?
    var serialNumber: CertificateSerialNumber
    var signature: SignatureAlgorithmIdentifier
    var issuer: Name
    var validity: Validity
    var subject: Name
    var subjectPublicKeyInfo: SubjectPublicKeyInfo
    var issuerUniqueID: BitString?
    var subjectUniqueID: BitString?
    var extensions: Extensions?


GeneralName ::= CHOICE {
        otherName                       [0]     IMPLICIT OtherName,
        rfc822Name                      [1]     IMPLICIT IA5String,
        dNSName                         [2]     IMPLICIT IA5String,
--      x400Address                     [3]     IMPLICIT ORAddress,--
        directoryName                   [4]     IMPLICIT Name,
--      ediPartyName                    [5]     IMPLICIT EDIPartyName, --
        uniformResourceIdentifier       [6]     IMPLICIT IA5String,
        iPAddress                       [7]     IMPLICIT OCTET STRING,
        registeredID                    [8]     IMPLICIT OBJECT IDENTIFIER

becomes either:

enum GeneralName: Codable {
        enum CodingKeys: Int, ASN1ImplicitTagCodingKey {
                case otherName = 0
                case rfc822Name = 1
                case dNSName = 2
                case directoryName = 4
                case uniformResourceIdentifier = 6
                case iPAddress = 7
                case registeredID = 8

        case otherName(OtherName)
        case rfc822Name(IA5String<String>)
        case dNSName(IA5String<String>)
        case directoryName(Name)
        case uniformResourceIdentifier(IA5String<String>)
        case iPAddress(Data)
        case registeredID(ObjectIdentifier)


enum GeneralName: Codable {
    enum CodingKeys: CaseIterable, ASN1MetadataCodingKey {
        case otherName
        case rfc822Name
        case dNSName
        case directoryName
        case uniformResourceIdentifier
        case iPAddress
        case registeredID

        static func metadata(forKey key: Self) -> ASN1Metadata? {
            let metadata: ASN1Metadata?

            switch key {
            case otherName:
                metadata = ASN1Metadata(tag: .taggedTag(0), tagging: .implicit)
            case rfc822Name:
                metadata = ASN1Metadata(tag: .taggedTag(1), tagging: .implicit)
            case dNSName:
                metadata = ASN1Metadata(tag: .taggedTag(2), tagging: .implicit)
            case directoryName:
                metadata = ASN1Metadata(tag: .taggedTag(4), tagging: .explicit)
            case uniformResourceIdentifier:
                metadata = ASN1Metadata(tag: .taggedTag(6), tagging: .implicit)
            case iPAddress:
                metadata = ASN1Metadata(tag: .taggedTag(7), tagging: .implicit)
            case registeredID:
                metadata = ASN1Metadata(tag: .taggedTag(8), tagging: .implicit)

            return metadata

    case otherName(OtherName)
    case rfc822Name(IA5String<String>)
    case dNSName(IA5String<String>)
    case directoryName(Name)
    case uniformResourceIdentifier(IA5String<String>)
    case iPAddress(Data)
    case registeredID(ObjectIdentifier)

The former is a more compact representation that may be used with a uniform tagging environment (note that directoryName is defined as IMPLICIT in the ASN.1, but is promoted to EXPLICIT as it is a CHOICE; this is handled at runtime). It also has an API stability guarantee that the latter format does not.


  • Swift Tools 5.2.0
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Last updated: Fri Mar 07 2025 07:45:16 GMT-1000 (Hawaii-Aleutian Standard Time)