

A Swift Package that enables to get Bitcoin data through a mempool instance.


A Swift Package that enables to get Bitcoin data through a Mempool instance.


  • iOS 13 or higher
  • macOS 12 or higher


DocC Documentation

The Package is fully documented with DocC. Open the documentation window in xCode to read the documentation. There will also be Tutorials in the documentation in the future which explane how to use the package with SwiftUI.


Create a Instance

let mempool = Mempool()

This command connects the instance to the official mempool space server.

Connecting to own Instance

You can also connect it to your own instance of mempool.

let mempool = Mempool(server: "https://yourmempoolinstance.local")

Connecting to Testnet

You can connect to the testnet via the mempool space server.

let mempool = Mempool(network: .testnet)


Please note that each method below is async and may throw errors.

Difficulty Adjustment

let difficultyAdjustment = try await mempool.difficultyAdjustment()

Returns details about difficulty adjustment.



let address = try await mempool.address(address: "1wiz18xYmhRX6xStj2b9t1rwWX4GKUgpv")

Returns details about an address.

Address Transactions

let txs = try await mempool.addressTXS(address: "1wiz18xYmhRX6xStj2b9t1rwWX4GKUgpv")

Get transaction history for the specified address/scripthash, sorted with newest first. Returns up to 50 mempool transactions plus the first 25 confirmed transactions. You can request more confirmed transactions using addressTXSChain.

Address Transactions Chain

let txs = try await mempool.addressTXSChain(address: "1wiz18xYmhRX6xStj2b9t1rwWX4GKUgpv", lastTXID: "277bbdc3557f163810feea810bf390ed90724ec75de779ab181b865292bb1dc1")

Get confirmed transaction history for the specified address/scripthash, sorted with newest first. Returns 25 transactions per page. More can be requested by specifying the last txid seen by the previous call.

Address Transactions Mempool

Get unconfirmed transaction history for the specified address/scripthash. Returns up to 50 transactions (no paging).

let txsMempool = try await mempool.addressTXSMempool(address: "1wiz18xYmhRX6xStj2b9t1rwWX4GKUgpv")

Address UTXOs

let utxos = try await mempool.addressUTXOs(address: "1wiz18xYmhRX6xStj2b9t1rwWX4GKUgpv")

Get the list of unspent transaction outputs associated with the address/scripthash.


Get Block

let block = try await mempool.block(blockHash: "000000000000000015dc777b3ff2611091336355d3f0ee9766a2cf3be8e4b1ce")

Returns details about a block.

Hex Block Header

let blockHeader = try await mempool.blockHeader(blockHash: "000000000000000015dc777b3ff2611091336355d3f0ee9766a2cf3be8e4b1ce")

Returns the hex-encoded block header.

Get Block Height

let blockHash = try await mempool.blockHeight(blockHeight: 800000)

Returns the hash of the block at the input height.

Get raw Block

let rawBlock = try await mempool.blockRaw(blockHash: "0000000000000000000065bda8f8a88f2e1e00d9a6887a43d640e52a4c7660f2")

Returns the raw block representation in Swifts Data Type.

Block Status

let blockStatus = try await mempool.blockStatus(blockHash: "0000000000000000000065bda8f8a88f2e1e00d9a6887a43d640e52a4c7660f2")

Returns the confirmation status of a block.

Block Tip Height

let blockTipHeight = try await mempool.blockTipHeight()

Returns the height of the last block.

Block Tip Hash

let blockTipHash = try await mempool.blockTipHash()

Returns the hash of the last block.

Block Transaction ID

let blockTXID = try await mempool.blockTXID(blockHash: "0000000000000000000065bda8f8a88f2e1e00d9a6887a43d640e52a4c7660f2")

Returns the transaction at index within the specified block.

Block Transaction IDs

let blockTXIDs = try await mempool.blockTXIDs(blockHash: "0000000000000000000065bda8f8a88f2e1e00d9a6887a43d640e52a4c7660f2", index: 1)

Returns a list of all txids in the block.

Block Transaction

let blockTXs = try await mempool.blockTXs(blockHash: "0000000000000000000065bda8f8a88f2e1e00d9a6887a43d640e52a4c7660f2")

Returns a list of 25 transactions in the block.

Get Blocks

let blocks = try await mempool.blocks(blockHash: "0000000000000000000065bda8f8a88f2e1e00d9a6887a43d640e52a4c7660f2")

Returns details on the past 15 blocks with fee and mining details in extras.


Mining Pools

let miningPools = try await mempool.miningPools(time: .oneYear)

Returns a list of all known mining pools ordered by blocks found over the specified time.

Mining Pool

let miningPool = try await mempool.miningPool(miningPool: "AntPool")

Returns Details about the mining pool.

Mining Pool Hashrates

let miningPoolHashrates = try await mempool.miningPoolHashrates(time: .oneYear)

Returns the Average hashrates (and share of total hashrate) of mining pools active in the specified time, in descending order of hashrate.

Mining Pool Hashrate

let miningPoolHashrate = try await mempool.miningPoolHashrate(miningPool: "AntPool")

Returns all known hashrate data for the mining pool specified by the name. Hashrate values are weekly averages.

Mining Pool Blocks

let miningPoolBlocks = try await mempool.miningPoolBlocks(miningPool: "AntPool", blockHeight: 730000)

Returns past 10 blocks mined by the specified mining pool before the specified blockHeight. If no blockHeight is specified, the mining pool's 10 most recent blocks are returned.

Mining Hashrate

let miningHashrate = try await mempool.miningHashrate(time: .oneYear)

Returns Network-wide hashrate and difficulty figures over the specified time.

Mining Reward Statistic

let miningRewardStats = try await mempool.miningRewardStats(blockCount: 100)

Returns Block reward and total transactions confirmed for the past specified blocks.

Mining Block Fees

let blockFees = try await mempool.blockFees(time: .oneYear)

Returns Average total fees for blocks in the specified time, ordered oldest to newest.

Mining Block Rewards

let blockRewards = try await mempool.blockRewards(time: .oneYear)

Returns Average block rewards for blocks in the specified time, ordered oldest to newest.

Mining Block Fee Rats

let blockFeeRates = try await mempool.blockFeeRates(time: .oneYear)

Returns Average feerate percentiles for blocks in the specified time, ordered oldest to newest.

Mining Block Size And Weights

let blockSizeAndWeights = try await mempool.blockSizeAndWeights(time: .oneYear)

Returns average size (bytes) and average weight (weight units) for blocks in the specified time, ordered oldest to newest.


Mempool Block Fees

let mempoolBlockFees = try await mempool.mempoolBlockFees()

Returns the current mempool as projected blocks.

Recommended Fees

let recommendedFees = try await mempool.recommendedFees()

Returns the currently suggested fees for new transactions.



let mempoolStatistics = try await mempool.mempool()

Returns the current mempool backlog statistics.

Mempool Transaction IDs

let mempoolTXIDs = try await mempool.mempoolTXIDs()

Returns the full list of transaction IDs in the mempool as an array. The order of the transaction IDs is arbitrary and does not match bitcoind.

Mempool Recent

let mempoolRecent = try await mempool.mempoolRecent()

Returns a list of the last 10 transactions to enter the mempool. Each transaction object contains simplified overview data.


Children Pay For Parrent

let cpfp = try await mempool.childrenPayForParrent(txid: "f8325d8f7fa5d658ea143629288d0530d2710dc9193ddc067439de803c37066e")

Returns the ancestors and the best descendant fees for a transaction.

Note that this transaction is not a cpfp transaction.


let tx = try await mempool.transaction(txid: "f8325d8f7fa5d658ea143629288d0530d2710dc9193ddc067439de803c37066e")

Returns details about a transaction

Transaction Hex

let txHex = try await mempool.transactionHex(txid: "f8325d8f7fa5d658ea143629288d0530d2710dc9193ddc067439de803c37066e")

Returns a transaction serialized as hex.

Transaction Merkle Block Proof

let merkleBlockProof = try await mempool.transactionMerkleBlockProof(txid: "f8325d8f7fa5d658ea143629288d0530d2710dc9193ddc067439de803c37066e")

Returns a merkle inclusion proof for the transaction using bitcoind's merkleblock format.

Transaction Merkle Proof

let merkleProof = try await mempool.transactionMerkleProof(txid: "f8325d8f7fa5d658ea143629288d0530d2710dc9193ddc067439de803c37066e")

Returns A merkle inclusion proof for the transaction using Electrum's blockchain.transaction.get_merkle format.

Transaction Outspend

let outspend = try await mempool.transactionOutspend(txid: "f8325d8f7fa5d658ea143629288d0530d2710dc9193ddc067439de803c37066e", vout: 1)

Return the spending status of a transaction output.

Transaction Outspends

let outspends = try await mempool.transactionOutspends(txid: "f8325d8f7fa5d658ea143629288d0530d2710dc9193ddc067439de803c37066e")

Return the spending status of a transaction output.

Transaction Raw

let rawTX = try await mempool.transactionRaw(txid: "f8325d8f7fa5d658ea143629288d0530d2710dc9193ddc067439de803c37066e")

Return the confirmation status of a transaction.

Transaction Status

let txStatus = try await mempool.transactionStatus(txid: "f8325d8f7fa5d658ea143629288d0530d2710dc9193ddc067439de803c37066e")

Return the confirmation status of a transaction.

Send Transaction

try await mempool.sendTransaction(hex: "01000000010000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000ffffffff0704ffff001d013bffffffff0100f2052a010000004341046cc86ddcd0860b7cef16cbaad7fe31fda1bf073c25cb833fa9e409e7f51e296f39b653a9c8040a2f967319ff37cf14b0991b86173462a2d5907cb6c5648b5b76ac00000000")

Broadcast a transaction to the Bitcoin Network. The Transaction is in the hex format.


Transaction Network Statistic

let lnStats = try await mempool.lightningStatistic(time: .oneYear)

Return the network-wide stats such as total number of channels and nodes, total capacity, and average/median fee figures.

Search Lightning Nodes and Lightning Channels

let lnNode = try await mempool.lightningNodes(node: "ACINQ")

Lightning Node aliases, node pubkeys, channel IDs, and short channel IDs. Returns Lightning nodes and channels that match the full-text, case-insensitive.

Search Lightning Nodes in a Country

let lnNode = try await mempool.lightningNodesInCountry(country: .us)

Returns a list of Lightning nodes running on clearnet in the requested country.

Statistic about Lightning Nodes per country

let lnStats = try await mempool.lightningNodesStatisticsPerCountry()

Returns aggregate capacity and number of clearnet nodes per country. Capacity figures are in satoshis.

Lightning ISP

let lnIsp = try await mempool.lightningISP(isp: 16509)

Returns a list of nodes hosted by a specified isp, where isp is an ISP's ASN.

Lightning Node Statistic Per ISP

let lnIsp = try await mempool.lightningNodeStatisticPerISP()

Returns aggregate capacity, number of nodes, and number of channels per ISP. Capacity figures are in satoshis.

Lightning Top 100 Nodes

let top100Nodes = try await mempool.lightningTop100Nodes()

Returns two lists of the top 100 nodes: one ordered by liquidity (aggregate channel capacity) and the other ordered by connectivity (number of open channels).

Lightning Top 100 Nodes sorted by Liquidity

let top100Nodes = try await mempool.lightningTop100NodesByLiquidity()

Returns a list of the top 100 nodes by liquidity (aggregate channel capacity).

Lightning Top 100 Nodes sorted by Connectivity

let top100Nodes = try await mempool.lightningTop100NodesByConnectivity()

Returns a list of the top 100 nodes by connectivity (number of open channels).

Lightning Top 100 Nodes sorted by Age

let top100Nodes = try await mempool.lightningTop100OldestNodes()

Returns a list of the top 100 oldest nodes.

Lightning Node Statistics

let node = try await mempool.lightningNodeStatistic(pubKey: "03864ef025fde8fb587d989186ce6a4a186895ee44a926bfc370e2c366597a3f8f")

Returns Details about a node with the given public Key.

Lightning Historical Node Statistics

let node = try await mempool.lightningHistoricalNodeStatistics(pubKey: "03864ef025fde8fb587d989186ce6a4a186895ee44a926bfc370e2c366597a3f8f")

Returns Historical stats for a node with the given public Key.

Lightning Channel

let channel = try await mempool.lightningChannel(channelID: "855515703977115663")

Returns Info about a Lightning channel with the given channelID.

Lightning Channel from Transaction ID

let channel = try await mempool.lightningChannelTXID(txid: "f95aea73705256e0d31ca722bda3e350f411590cd2e5222fb3be23912834495a")

Returns Channels that correspond to the given transaction ID.

Lightning Channel From Node Pubkey

let channel = try await mempool.lightningChannelFromNodePubkey(pubkey: "855515703977115663", channelStatus: .open)

Returns a list of a node's channels given its public Key.

Missing Methods:

Blocks Bulk:

This API Method is disabled by

Lightning Channel Geodata:

Its return JSON does not conform to a swift type.


There is a full DocC tutorial how to build a demo App with MempoolKit. To do this tutorial add the package to your project and open the documentation window. Click on MempoolKit and open the Meet MempoolKit Article or open the MempoolKit App Tutorial.

MempoolKit App Tutorial

  • First create a new iOS App

  • Choose SwiftUI as the User Interface and give your project a name.

  • Click on “File –> Add Packages…”

  • Paste “” in the Search Field.

  • Click on “Add Package”

  • MempoolKit is imported in your project.

Now we write the Code.

First import the MempoolKit Package in your project.

import MempoolKit

Make a instance of Mempool.

let mempool = Mempool()

Remove the basic code and replace them with a Form within a NavigationStack. Give the Form a navigationTitle.

NavigationStack {
    Form {
    .navigationTitle("MempoolKit Tutorial")

Write a State propery with the name “blocks” and set is equal to a empty Array of blocks.

@State private var blocks = Blocks()

Write a ForEach Loop over the block within the Form. In the ForEach write a NavigationLink.

ForEach(blocks) { block in
    NavigationLink("\(block.height)", value: block)

Now we write the refresh function which load the last 15 blocks. First we find out what the current block height is with mempool.blockTipHeight(). Than we load the last 15 blocks with mempool.blocks(blockHeight: currentBlockHeight). Now we set blocks equal to newBlocks to load the blocks in the UI.

func refresh() async {
    let currentBlockHeight = try! await mempool.blockTipHeight()
    let newBlocks = try! await mempool.blocks(blockHeight: currentBlockHeight)
    blocks = newBlocks

Add the task and refreshable modifiyer to execute the refresh function when the View gets loaded or the user wants to refresh the View.

.task {
    await refresh()
.refreshable {
    await refresh()

Now write a navigationDestination for a detailed View of a Block. Write it for Block.self. Write a Form with LabeledContent for the Hash, the Difficulty, the Nonce and the amount of Transactions.

.navigationDestination(for: Block.self) { block in
    Form {
        LabeledContent("Hash", value:
        LabeledContent("Difficulty", value: "\(block.difficulty)")
        LabeledContent("Nonce", value: "\(block.nonce)")
        LabeledContent("Transactions", value: "\(block.tx_count)")
    .navigationTitle("Block \(block.height)")

We are done and wrote a App with the MempoolKit Package.

import SwiftUI
import MempoolKit

struct ContentView: View {
    let mempool = Mempool()
    @State private var blocks = Blocks()
    var body: some View {
        NavigationStack {
            Form {
                ForEach(blocks) { block in
                    NavigationLink("\(block.height)", value: block)
            .navigationTitle("MempoolKit Tutorial")
            .navigationDestination(for: Block.self) { block in
                Form {
                    LabeledContent("Hash", value:
                    LabeledContent("Difficulty", value: "\(block.difficulty)")
                    LabeledContent("Nonce", value: "\(block.nonce)")
                    LabeledContent("Transactions", value: "\(block.tx_count)")
                .navigationTitle("Block \(block.height)")
            .task {
                await refresh()
            .refreshable {
                await refresh()
    func refresh() async {
        let currentBlockHeight = try! await mempool.blockTipHeight()
        let newBlocks = try! await mempool.blocks(blockHeight: currentBlockHeight)
        blocks = newBlocks

struct ContentView_Previews: PreviewProvider {
    static var previews: some View {

Run the App.


Please also note that this package is still in the early stages of development and is therefore still very buggy.

Also please report bugs to improve the package.


  • Swift Tools 5.8.0
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Last updated: Tue Feb 04 2025 23:28:48 GMT-1000 (Hawaii-Aleutian Standard Time)