DefferedTaskKit is a simple library for wrapping closures that can be executed at a later time.
DefferedTask works with Value, but DefferedResult is working with Result type.
- Task will be executed only on subscription by 'onComplete' method'. If you don't subscribe to the task, it will never be executed.
- By default, the task is 'selfRetaint' and you don't need save reference in variables for task. Use 'weakify()' method to prevent retain cycle.
- You can handle 'deinit' of task if you need.
DefferedTask<Int> { completion in
print("start task")
DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 1) {
print("end task")
} onDeinit: {
.beforeComplete { result in
print("beforeComplete: \(result)") // print 10
.afterComplete { result in
print("afterComplete: \(result)") // print 10
.set(userInfo: "subject")
.map { value in
return value * 2
.beforeComplete { result in
print("beforeComplete: \(result)") // print 20
.afterComplete { result in
print("afterComplete: \(result)") // print 20
.onComplete { result in
print("onComplete: \(result)") // print 20
console output:
start task
beforeComplete: 10
beforeComplete: 20
onComplete: 20
afterComplete: 20
afterComplete: 10
end task
Special task that is caching tasks while executing single main task.
let pending: PendingTask<Int> = .init()
for i in 0..<10 {
pending.current { completion in
print("start main task")
DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 1) {
print("end main task")
}.onComplete { _ in
print("onComplete: \(i)")
console output:
start main task
onComplete: 0
onComplete: 1
onComplete: 2
onComplete: 3
onComplete: 4
onComplete: 5
onComplete: 6
onComplete: 7
onComplete: 8
onComplete: 9
end main task
Special task that is polling main task with idleTimeInterval and retryCount.
var idx = 0
PollingTask<Int>(idleTimeInterval: 1,
retryCount: 5,
generator: {
return .init { completion in
print("start main task")
DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 1) {
idx += 1
print("end main task")
shouldRepeat: { idx in
print("shouldRepeat \(idx)")
return idx < 4
response: { idx in
print("response: \(idx)")
.onComplete { result in
print("completed \(result)")
console output:
start main task
response: 0
shouldRepeat 0
end main task
start main task
response: 1
shouldRepeat 1
end main task
start main task
response: 2
shouldRepeat 2
end main task
start main task
response: 3
shouldRepeat 3
end main task
start main task
response: 4
shouldRepeat 4
completed 4
end main task