Variadic bootstrap function for SwiftLog.
Basically bridges LoggingSystem.bootstrap()
arguments to a MultiplexLogHandler
is designed for Swift 5. To use the handler, you need to declare your dependency in your Package.swift
.package(url: "", from: "1.0.0"),
and to your application/library target, add "VariadicBootstrap"
to your dependencies
, e.g. like this:
.target(name: "BestExampleApp", dependencies: [
.product(name: "VariadicBootstrap", package: "swift-log-variadic-bootstrap")
It works exactly like the existing bootstrap function but it is variadic!
import Logging
import VariadicBootstrap
import ExampleLogBackend1
import ExampleLogBackend2
LoggingSystem.bootstrap(ExampleLogBackend1.init, ExampleLogBackend2.init)
import Logging
import VariadicBootstrap
import ExampleLogBackend1
import ExampleLogBackend2
let backend1 = ExampleLogBackend1(label: "FirstBackend")
let backend2 = ExampleLogBackend2(label: "SecondBackend")
LoggingSystem.bootstrap(backend1, backend2)
This library is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.