
A small, simple TOML parser and serializer for Swift. Powered by toml++.

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A small, simple TOML parser and serializer for Swift. Powered by toml++.

Swift 5.4 SPM Compatible Build and Test

TOMLKit is a Swift wrapper around toml++, allowing you to parse and serialize TOML files in Swift.

Table of Contents

Created by gh-md-toc


Swift Package Manager

Add this to the dependencies array in Package.swift:

.package(url: "", from: "0.5.0")

Also add this to the targets array in the aforementioned file:

.product(name: "TOMLKit", package: "TOMLKit")

Quick Start

import TOMLKit
import struct Foundation.Date

let toml = """
string = "Hello, World!"
int = 523053
double = 3250.34

struct Test: Codable {
    let string: String
    let int: Int
    let double: Double

do {
   let table = try TOMLTable(string: toml)
   table.remove(at: "double")

   table["dateTime"] = TOMLDateTime(date: Foundation.Date())
      TOMLArray([1, 2, "3", TOMLTable(["time": TOMLTime(hour: 10, minute: 26, second: 49, nanoSecond: 203)])]),
      at: "array"

   let test = Test(string: "Goodbye, World!", int: 24598, double: 18.247)
   let encodedTest: TOMLTable = try TOMLEncoder().encode(test)
   let decodedTest = try TOMLDecoder().decode(Test.self, from: encodedTest)

   print("----Encoding & Decoding----\n")

   print("Encoded Test: \n\(encodedTest)\n")
   print("Decoded Test: \(decodedTest)")


   print("TOML:\n\(table.convert(to: .toml))\n")
   print("JSON:\n\(table.convert(to: .json))\n")
   print("YAML:\n\(table.convert(to: .yaml))")
} catch let error as TOMLParseError {
   // TOMLParseError occurs when the TOML document is invalid.
   // `error.source.begin` contains the line and column where the error started,
   // and `error.source.end` contains the line where the error ended.

// ----Encoding & Decoding----
// Encoded Test:
// double = 18.247
// int = 24598
// string = 'Goodbye, World!'
// Decoded Test: Test(string: "Goodbye, World!", int: 24598, double: 18.247)
// ----Conversion----
// TOML:
// array = [ 1, 2, '3', { time = 10:26:49.000000203 } ]
// dateTime = 2022-03-31T12:19:38.160653948Z
// int = 523053
// string = 'Hello, World!'
// JSON:
// {
//     "array" : [
//         1,
//         2,
//         "3",
//         {
//             "time" : "10:26:49.000000203"
//         }
//     ],
//     "dateTime" : "2022-03-31T12:19:38.160653948Z",
//     "int" : 523053,
//     "string" : "Hello, World!"
// }
// YAML:
// array:
//   - 1
//   - 2
//   - 3
//   - time: '10:26:49.000000203'
// dateTime: '2022-03-31T12:19:38.160653948Z'
// int: 523053
// string: 'Hello, World!'

Full Documentation

Full documentation is available here.



The toml++ license is available in the tomlplusplus directory in the LICENSE file.


Before committing, please install pre-commit, swift-format, clang-format, and Prettier, then install the pre-commit hook:

$ brew bundle # install the packages specified in Brewfile
$ pre-commit install

# Commit your changes.

To install pre-commit on other platforms, refer to the documentation.


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Last updated: Sat Mar 08 2025 10:27:33 GMT-1000 (Hawaii-Aleutian Standard Time)