What's New




  • Restart replay session with mobile session (#4085)
  • Add pause and resume AppHangTracking API (#4077). You can now pause and resume app hang tracking with SentrySDK.pauseAppHangTracking() and SentrySDK.resumeAppHangTracking().
  • Add beforeSendSpan callback (#4095)


  • storeEnvelope ends session for unhandled errors (#4073)
  • Deprecate SentryUser.segment(#4092). Please remove usages of this property. We will remove it in the next major.
  • Sentry Replay Network details should be available without Tracing (#4091)


Official Sentry SDK for iOS / tvOS / macOS / watchOS (1).

Bad software is everywhere, and we're tired of it. Sentry is on a mission to help developers write better software faster, so we can get back to enjoying technology. If you want to join us Check out our open positions

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This SDK is written in Objective-C but also provides a nice Swift interface.

Where is the master branch?

We renamed the default branch from master to main.


Remember to call this as early in your application life cycle as possible Ideally in applicationDidFinishLaunching in AppDelegate

import Sentry

// ....

SentrySDK.start { options in
    options.dsn = "___PUBLIC_DSN___"
    options.debug = true // Helpful to see what's going on
@import Sentry;

// ....

[SentrySDK startWithConfigureOptions:^(SentryOptions *options) {
    options.dsn = @"___PUBLIC_DSN___";
    options.debug = @YES; // Helpful to see what's going on

For more information checkout the docs.

(1)limited symbolication support and no crash handling.

Blog posts

Mobile Vitals - Four Metrics Every Mobile Developer Should Care About.

How to use Sentry Attachments with Mobile Applications.

Close the Loop with User Feedback.

A Sanity Listicle for Mobile Developers.


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  • Code of Conduct
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  • Swift Tools 5.3.0
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Last updated: Fri Jul 26 2024 15:19:14 GMT-0900 (Hawaii-Aleutian Daylight Time)