Simple, fast, flexible and efficient generation of probably unique identifiers (puid
, aka random strings) of intuitively specified entropy using predefined or custom characters.
import Puid
let alphaId = try Puid(total: 1e5, risk: 1e12, chars: .alpha)
try alphaId.generate()
// => "uTJtdTPQFk"
provides full, explicit control over all important facets of random ID generation: entropy source, characters, and desired randomness. A general overview details information relevant to all PUID implementations.
Creating a random ID generator using Puid
is a simple as:
import Puid
let sessionId = try Puid()
try sessionId.generate()
// => "1Uyt1bj-cAgsHRpWjyPya6"
Options allow easy and complete control over random ID generation. The above example uses the default for each of:
- entropy source: Cryptographically strong random bytes
- characters: File system & URL safe characters
- randomness: 128 bits of entropy
These defaults are suitable for web session IDs.
provides a CSPRNG entropy source (Puid.Entropy.System.csprng
, using SecCopyRandomBytes
) and a PRNG entropy source (Puid.Entropy.System.prng
, using UInt64.random
) via the entropy
let prngId = try Puid(entropy: .prng)
try prngId.generate()
// => "WONlvSz5wRzw6GUz1LqDTK"
The entropy
option can also designate any implementation of the PuidEntropySource
protocol for using a custom entropy source:
let fixedBytes = Puid.Entropy.Fixed(hex: "d0 52 91 fd 13 62 16 fc bc 52 57 d1 a9 17 42 bf bf")
let fixedId = try Puid(entropy: fixedBytes)
try fixedId.generate()
// => "0FKR_RNiFvy8UlfRqRdCv7"
Note: The Puid.Entropy.Fixed
source is convenient for deterministic testing but not suitable for general use.
A convenience class, Puid.Entropy.Source
, provides a means of using any RandomNumberGenerator
implementation as a PuidEntropySource
. If, for example, you had a favorite PRNG, say FavePrng
, that generates a repeatable sequence of random UInt64 numbers via an initialization seed, you could use that PRNG as an entropy source:
let favePrng = Puid.Entropy.Source(using: FavePrng(seed: 42))
let prngId = try Puid(entropy: favePrng)
try prngId.generate()
// => A puid generated using bytes from the custom FavePrng entropy source
The characters used in ID generation are designated using the chars
option. Puid
provides 17 predefined characters sets, as well as an option to specify any set of unique characters:
let alphaNumId = try Puid(chars: .alphaNum)
try alphaNumId.generate()
// => "cjm7wFkJQW5igrWUdjFnaA"
let customId = try Puid(chars: .custom("customID_CHARS"))
try customId.generate()
// => "oRmcAACtHsuAIuDSsooItACHIICo_S_IHo"
Note: Puid
validates that the custom chars
are unique to maximizes the entropy captured during ID generation.
A critical aspect of random ID generation is, of course, the randomness of the IDs generated. Puid
provides direct specification of ID randomness via the bits
option for situations like session IDs (which are recommended to be 128-bit) or for 256-bit security tokens. But a more general, intuitive declaration of randomness is to explicitly specify the total
number of IDs actually needed and assign an acceptable risk
of repeat:
let randId = try Puid(total: 1e5, risk: 1e12, chars: .safe32)
try randId.generate()
// => "dqHqFD79QGd2TNP"
In the above example, a total
of 100,000 IDs can be generated with a 1 in a trillion risk
of repeat. Remember, all random ID generation has an inherent risk of repeat. There is simply no such thing as a univerally unique ID, regardless of the UUID moniker. Rather than blindly use one-size-fits-all (which, for UUID, may be better described as an inefficient, one-size-fits-none solution), Puid
allows full control so that risk can be explicitly declared as appropriate for specific application need.
For those instances where bits
of entropy is explicitly known:
let token = try Puid(bits: 256, chars: .hexUpper)
try token.generate()
// => "3AE2F836FB09E4D32850ABBA3A20A510B8F47D5CB8EA7CF6BFF10DE58F8FA7BD"
The Puid.Chars
enum includes 17 predefined character sets:
Name | Characters |
.alpha | ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz |
.alphaLower | abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz |
.alphaNum | ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789 |
.alphaNumLower | abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789 |
.base32Hex | 0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuv |
.base32HexUpper | 0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUV |
.crockford32 | 0123456789ABCDEFGHJKMNPQRSTVWXYZ |
.decimal | 0123456789 |
.hex | 0123456789abcdef |
.hexUpper | 0123456789ABCDEF |
.safeSscii | !#$%&()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[]^_abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~ |
.safe32 | 2346789bdfghjmnpqrtBDFGHJLMNPQRT |
.safe64 | ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-_ |
.symbol | !#$%&()*+,-./:;<=>?@[]^_{|}~ |
provides a mechanism to use any String of up to 256 unique characters for ID generation.
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MIT license. See LICENSE.