

Swift language bindings for WinUI3


Swift Language Bindings for WinUI


These projections contains the WinUI APIs which are part of the Windows App SDK, (i.e. Microsoft.UI.Xaml.*). See official documentation for more information on these components:

Due to SPM limitations and the current state of swift-winrt, not all APIs can be generated as this causes export limit issues.

SDK Versions

  1. Windows SDK: 10.0.18362.0
  2. Windows App SDK: 1.5-preview1

Project Configuration

The bindings are generated from WinMD files, found in NuGet packages on Nuget.org. There are two key files which drive this:

  1. projections.json - this specifies the project/package and which apis to include in the projection
  2. generate-bindings.ps1 - this file reads both packages.config and projections.json and generates the appropriate bindings.

Filing Issues

Please file any issues you have with this repository on https://github.com/thebrowsercompany/swift-winrt

Known Issues and Limitations

  • Only x64 architecture is supported for now

  • The developer experience for consuming WinRT APIs from Swift is a work in progress. Due to current limitations, not all APIs can be generated as this causes export limit issues.

  • The APIs listed in projections.json are required for the other swift-* projects to build. Modify a projections.json in any one of those projects could require an update here.

Using WinUI

In order to use WinUI, you need to download the Windows App SDK from here: https://aka.ms/windowsappsdk/1.5/1.5.240205001-preview1/windowsappruntimeinstall-x64.exe


  • Swift Tools 5.10.0
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Last updated: Mon Mar 03 2025 10:51:47 GMT-1000 (Hawaii-Aleutian Standard Time)