This is a library that makes working with CollectionView and UITableViews easier by managing the data for you and ensuring that the right insert/delete operations are called.
It's similar to UIKit DiffableDataSource, but with one addition: it supports updating existing cells with animation, without replacing the actual cell. This ensures that in flight animations are not interrupted.
The basis of everything is a snapshot. A snapshot is a view of your data at a given moment. If we have two snapshots, we can calculate the diff
of those two and know exactly what to update.
A snapshot manages Items in Sections. The concrete Item Type and Section Types need to implement Identifiable
so that they have a stable id that doesn't depend on their data.
As an optimization, there's also SingleSectionSnapshot
which only manages a list of Item
s: this is useful if you only ever have one section.
There are three variants:
that manages the data in all sections of your table viewSingleSectionTableViewDataSource
that manages the data in a table view with only one single sectionTableViewSectionDataSource
that book keeps data in one section, while you are responsible for the other sections and implementing the actually data .
let dataSource = TableViewDataSource(tableView, cellProvider: { tableView, item, indexPath
return tableView.dequeueCellWithIdentifier("Cell")
dataSource.cellUpdater = { tableView, cell, item, indexPath, animated in
cell.textLabel?.setText(item.text, animated: animated)
var snapshot = dataSource.currentSnapshot
snapshot.addItems([Item(text: "Item 1")], to: .first)
snapshot.addItems([Item(text: "Item 2")], to: .first)
snapshot.addItems([Item(text: "Item 3")], to: .third)
dataSource.apply(snapshot, animated: true)
There are two variants:
that manages the data in all sections of your collection viewSingleSectionCollectionViewDataSource
that manages the data in a collection view with only one single section