An elegant and magic dropdown
⚠️ Cocoapods & Carthage deprecation notice: Next versions from 1.2.0, will not have distribution support via Cocoapods and Carthage, Swift Pakcage Manager Only!
UIMagicDropDown is a simply but powerful solution for this kind of selection element. Easy for use and integrate, you could make your own design by themes feature.
- Set items of any type.
- Protocol functions for interact with selections.
- Configure colors of all parts, text alignemnts, corner radius and shadows, font type and size.
- Use it by code or Interface Builder.
- iOS +9.0
You can use CocoaPods to install UIMagicDropDown
by adding it to your Podfile
platform :ios, '9.0'
pod 'UIMagicDropDown'
First of all, import the module 😅
import UIMagicDropDown
Put the following line in your Cartfile:
git "" ~> 1.1.0
Then, run
$ carthage update
First, you must create the items using UIMagicDropdownData
structure, thats receive an String (the label that shows into DropDown) and an Any element, the object sended when item is selected.
let items:[UIMagicDropdownData] = [
UIMagicDropdownData(label: "Steve Jobs", value: 33),
UIMagicDropdownData(label: "Johnny Ive", value: ["Johnny Ive": 44]),
UIMagicDropdownData(label: "Phil Schiller",value: "Phil Schiller"),
UIMagicDropdownData(label: "Craig Fedherighi", value: "Craig Fedherighi"),
UIMagicDropdownData(label: "Steve Wozniak", value: "Steve Wozniak"),
Then, make the object instance, and pass the items by constructor:
dropDown = UIMagicDropdown(items: items)
Add dropDown to your view, and setup it's constraints:
dropDown?.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
dropDown!.topAnchor.constraint(equalTo: view.topAnchor, constant: 100.0),
dropDown!.leftAnchor.constraint(equalTo: view.leftAnchor, constant: 80.0),
dropDown!.rightAnchor.constraint(equalTo: view.rightAnchor, constant: -80.0)
Now, run your project and see you first MagicDropDown in your app.
It is highly probable that you will need customize the apparence of this element, for this, we develop a theming system for provide almost all possibilities of customization.
You can define a theme object using the following structure:
Click to expand and show the code
public struct MagicDropDownConfig {
public var colors: Colors?
public var fonts: Fonts?
public var layers: Layers?
public var shadow: Shadow?
public var texts: Texts?
//MARK: - Colors
public struct Colors{
public var dropDownBoxBackgroundColor: UIColor?
public var dropDownTableBackgroundColor: UIColor?
public var borderColor: UIColor?
public var tableBorderColor: UIColor?
public var hintTextColor: UIColor?
public var itemSelectedColor: UIColor?
public var itemUnselectedColor: UIColor?
public var itemSelectedTextColor: UIColor?
public var itemUnselectedTextColor: UIColor?
public var separatorTintColor: UIColor?
public var accessoryTintColor: UIColor?
public init(){}
public struct Fonts {
//MARK: - Fonts
public var hintFont: UIFont?
public var itemFont: UIFont?
public init(){}
//MARK: - Layers
public struct Layers {
public var boxCornerRadius: CGFloat?
public var tableCornerRadius: CGFloat?
public init(){}
public struct Shadow {
public var shadowOpacity: Float?
public var shadowOffset: CGSize?
public var shadowRadius: CGFloat?
public var shadowColor: UIColor?
public init() {}
public struct Texts {
public var boxTextAlignment:NSTextAlignment?
public var tableTextAlignmrnt:NSTextAlignment?
public init(){}
public init(){}
Wow, that was big... but quiet, it’s easy, all is optional and you only must to provide the parts for customize… or all, if you need define a complete new experience.
For make you easiest this job, here you have three examples of you can do with that.
Indigo Theme
var indigo: MagicDropDownConfig? = {
var theme = MagicDropDownConfig()
let colors:MagicDropDownConfig.Colors = {
var colors = MagicDropDownConfig.Colors()
colors.accessoryTintColor = UIColor(named: "Lochmara")
colors.borderColor = UIColor(named: "Lochmara")
colors.hintTextColor = UIColor(named: "Lochmara")
colors.dropDownBoxBackgroundColor = UIColor(named: "BlueWood")
colors.separatorTintColor = UIColor(named: "Lochmara")
colors.itemSelectedColor = UIColor(named: "Lochmara")
colors.itemUnselectedColor = UIColor(named: "BlueWood")
colors.itemSelectedTextColor = UIColor(named: "Bluewood")
colors.itemUnselectedTextColor = UIColor(named: "Lochmara")
colors.tableBorderColor = UIColor(named: "Lochmara")
return colors
let fonts:MagicDropDownConfig.Fonts = {
var fonts = MagicDropDownConfig.Fonts()
fonts.itemFont = .systemFont(ofSize: 17)
fonts.hintFont = .systemFont(ofSize: 17)
return fonts
let layers:MagicDropDownConfig.Layers = {
var layers = MagicDropDownConfig.Layers()
layers.boxCornerRadius = 5.0
layers.tableCornerRadius = 5.0
return layers
let texts:MagicDropDownConfig.Texts = {
var texts = MagicDropDownConfig.Texts()
texts.boxTextAlignment = .center
texts.tableTextAlignmrnt = .center
return texts
theme.colors = colors
theme.fonts = fonts
theme.layers = layers
theme.texts = texts
return theme
Corn Theme
var corn: MagicDropDownConfig? = {
var theme = MagicDropDownConfig()
let colors:MagicDropDownConfig.Colors = {
var colors = MagicDropDownConfig.Colors()
colors.accessoryTintColor = UIColor(named: "Corn")
colors.borderColor = UIColor(named: "Corn")
colors.hintTextColor = UIColor(named: "Corn")
colors.dropDownBoxBackgroundColor = UIColor(named: "CornTint05")
colors.separatorTintColor = UIColor(named: "Corn")
colors.itemSelectedColor = UIColor(named: "Corn")
colors.itemUnselectedColor = UIColor(named: "CornTint05")
colors.itemSelectedTextColor = UIColor(named: "CornTint05")
colors.itemUnselectedTextColor = UIColor(named: "Corn")
colors.tableBorderColor = UIColor(named: "Corn")
return colors
let fonts:MagicDropDownConfig.Fonts = {
var fonts = MagicDropDownConfig.Fonts()
fonts.itemFont = .systemFont(ofSize: 17)
fonts.hintFont = .systemFont(ofSize: 17)
return fonts
let layers:MagicDropDownConfig.Layers = {
var layers = MagicDropDownConfig.Layers()
layers.boxCornerRadius = 8.0
layers.tableCornerRadius = 8.0
return layers
theme.colors = colors
theme.fonts = fonts
theme.layers = layers
return theme
Storm Theme
var storm: MagicDropDownConfig? = {
var theme = MagicDropDownConfig()
let colors:MagicDropDownConfig.Colors = {
var colors = MagicDropDownConfig.Colors()
colors.accessoryTintColor = .darkGray
colors.borderColor = .darkGray
colors.hintTextColor = .darkGray
colors.dropDownBoxBackgroundColor = .systemGray5
colors.separatorTintColor = .darkGray
colors.itemSelectedColor = .darkGray
colors.itemUnselectedColor = .systemGray5
colors.itemSelectedTextColor = .systemGray5
colors.itemUnselectedTextColor = .darkGray
colors.tableBorderColor = .darkGray
return colors
let fonts:MagicDropDownConfig.Fonts = {
var fonts = MagicDropDownConfig.Fonts()
fonts.itemFont = .systemFont(ofSize: 17)
fonts.hintFont = .systemFont(ofSize: 17)
return fonts
let layers:MagicDropDownConfig.Layers = {
var layers = MagicDropDownConfig.Layers()
layers.boxCornerRadius = 24.5
layers.tableCornerRadius = 24.5
return layers
let shadow:MagicDropDownConfig.Shadow = {
var shadow = MagicDropDownConfig.Shadow()
shadow.shadowColor = UIColor.lightGray
shadow.shadowOffset = .zero
shadow.shadowOpacity = 0.5
shadow.shadowRadius = 7.0
return shadow
theme.colors = colors
theme.fonts = fonts
theme.layers = layers
theme.shadow = shadow
return theme
Punch Theme
var punch: MagicDropDownConfig? = {
var theme = MagicDropDownConfig()
let colors:MagicDropDownConfig.Colors = {
var colors = MagicDropDownConfig.Colors()
colors.accessoryTintColor = UIColor(named: "Punch")
colors.borderColor = UIColor(named: "Punch")
colors.hintTextColor = UIColor(named: "Punch")
colors.dropDownBoxBackgroundColor = UIColor(named: "PunchTint05")
colors.separatorTintColor = UIColor(named: "Punch")
colors.itemSelectedColor = UIColor(named: "Punch")
colors.itemUnselectedColor = UIColor(named: "PunchTint05")
colors.itemSelectedTextColor = UIColor(named: "PunchTint05")
colors.itemUnselectedTextColor = UIColor(named: "Punch")
colors.tableBorderColor = UIColor(named: "Punch")
return colors
let fonts:MagicDropDownConfig.Fonts = {
var fonts = MagicDropDownConfig.Fonts()
fonts.itemFont = .systemFont(ofSize: 17)
fonts.hintFont = .systemFont(ofSize: 17)
return fonts
let layers:MagicDropDownConfig.Layers = {
var layers = MagicDropDownConfig.Layers()
layers.boxCornerRadius = 12.0
layers.tableCornerRadius = 12.0
return layers
let shadow:MagicDropDownConfig.Shadow = {
var shadow = MagicDropDownConfig.Shadow()
shadow.shadowColor = UIColor.lightGray
shadow.shadowOffset = .zero
shadow.shadowOpacity = 0.5
shadow.shadowRadius = 7.0
return shadow
theme.colors = colors
theme.fonts = fonts
theme.layers = layers
theme.shadow = shadow
return theme
Anyway, you can find this themes and implementations in the example project. Once you have define your theme, you can provide it through constructor, or using the public variable “theme” of class UIMagicDropdown. ```swift dropDown.theme = indigo ```
Anf finally, the result...
Can you see that? YES!! my DropDown don't push the views under it. Do yo know how? check it this... Please, firstly read the next section for know how implement the delgate protocol, set the delegate object and know the functions available, then, see the following topic:
In the procotol, you have this function:
func dropdownExpanded (_ sender: UIMagicDropdown)
When any dropdown in your view has expanded, calls this function and send the instance as “sender” variable. We use this instance for elevate the dropDown view and avoid to push the rest of views under it. Look at the following example:
func dropdownExpanded(_ sender: UIMagicDropdown) {
Now, try it in your design!!
For get the selection of each element in your screen, you have available a protocol with three functions, but get focused in the first one:
public protocol UIMagicDropDownDelegate: class {
func dropDownSelected (_ item: UIMagicDropdownData, _ sender: UIMagicDropdown)
func dropdownExpanded (_ sender: UIMagicDropdown)
func dropdownCompressed (_ sender: UIMagicDropdown)
As surely you know, you only must to implement UIMagicDropDownDelegate protocol in your class and conform the first function (it’s the only one mandatory). Be sure that you set the delegate with ‘self’, once you implement the UIMagicDropDownDelegate in your class.
dropDown.dropDownDelegate = self
When any dropDown get a new selection, this function provide you the object of element selected associated and the instance of the dropdown object that made the selection.
extension ViewController: UIMagicDropDownDelegate { func dropDownSelected(_ item: UIMagicDropdownData, _ sender: UIMagicDropdown) { //Do Something } }
Usual, you could need to pre-select any item first time (or change selection of next dropdown that depends from last one). For this, you can use the itemSelected variable.
dropDown.itemSelected = 2
1- Add a UIView in your controller.
2- Select identity inspector and set the custom class UIMagicDropdown
3- Define all your constraints less bottom, for allow the view grow to down without cause a movement in all another views under it. Yes, this cause a constraint error. Ignore it, but be careful with all another views.
See the following pic:
Then, everything else do by the same way than the use by code.
David Martin Saiz – @deividmarshall –
Distributed under the MIT license. See LICENSE
for more information.
- Remove dropdown_arrow image resource
- Add arrow as "V" copperplate font
- Modify theme structure: Remove images sub-struct
- Add Swift Package Manager support 🎉
- Add Carthage compatibility
- Modify getImage func for Carthage useage.
- First implementation with main features.