

Simple thread-safe uniquing of objects

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SemiSingleton 2.0.4



Platforms SPM compatible License happn

What is a Semi-Singleton?

You all know the Singleton pattern. A Semi-Singleton will be an object that will be returned as an already existing instance or a new one depending on whether there was already an instance in memory for the given id.

Here’s an example of a lifecycle of a Semi-Singleton object:

  • A first client (client1) requests a semi-singleton object with id obj. Such an object does not already exists: it is instantiated. client1 keeps a strong reference to this object for now.
  • A second client (client2) requests a semi-singleton object with id obj. As the object already exists in memory, the same instance client1 uses is returned.
  • Both client1 and client2 release the semi-singleton they share. It is fully deallocated.
  • A third client requests a semi-singleton object with id obj. As the previous semi-singleton with this id does not exist anymore, a new object is instantiated.

In code, a Semi-Singleton is any object conforming to the SemiSingleton or SemiSingletonWithFallibleInit protocol.

How to use a Semi-Singleton?

/* First you need a “Store” that will hold the reference to the existing semi-singletons. */
let semiSingletonStore = SemiSingletonStore(forceClassInKeys: true)
/* To retrieve a semi-singleton instance, you ask the store to give you one. */
let s: MySemiSingleton = semiSingletonStore.semiSingleton(forKey: key)

Use case

An “Action” object, when running the action twice for the same subject makes no sense. The subject would be the Semi-Singleton key. When the action is instantiated, If there is already an action in progress for the given subject, the already existing action will be returned, otherwise a new one is created.


This project was originally created by François Lamboley while working at happn.


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Last updated: Fri Mar 07 2025 07:35:16 GMT-1000 (Hawaii-Aleutian Standard Time)