Library for dispatching events to multiple analytics services.
Handle events from your app, encode them to JSON and than dispatch them to multiple processors.
func send<B: Encodable>(_ name: EventName, body: B)
func send<E: Event>(_ event: E)
func send<E: TechnicalEvent>(_ event: E)
func send<E: CustomizableEvent>(_ event: E)
Wrapper for analytics service, which will process and send the events to that service.
is just to identify the processor in the list of processors for each event.
var name: EventProcessorName { get }
typealias Properties = [String: Any]
func send(_ name: EventName, properties: Properties)
Simple protocol for events, which will be encoded and dispatched to processors.
struct CloseApp: Event {
static let name: EventName = "app_close"
let timestamp: Date
Protocol for events, which can be customized independently for each processor.
struct LogIn: CustomizableEvent, Encodable {
func customized(for name: EventProcessorName) -> CustomizedEvent? {
switch name {
case .firebase:
return .init(name: Firebase.AnalyticsEventLogin,
body: self)
case .console:
return .init(name: "login",
body: self)
return nil
Special protocol for technical events, which will be dispatched to 'isTechnical' processors only. Used only for devs purposes.
struct CloseApp: TechnicalEvent {
static let name: EventName = "app_close"
Processor is just print the event to the console or your custom logger if you want.
import os
let logger = Logger(subsystem: "com.example", category: "EventDispatcherKit")
let processor = ConsoleEventProcessor(logger: { [logger] message in
logger.log(level: .info, "\(message)")