Uuid25 is an alternative UUID representation that shortens a UUID string to just 25 digits using the case-insensitive Base36 encoding. This library provides functionality to convert from the conventional UUID formats to Uuid25 and vice versa.
import Uuid25
// convert from/to string
let a = Uuid25("8da942a4-1fbe-4ca6-852c-95c473229c7d")!
assert(a.description == "8dx554y5rzerz1syhqsvsdw8t")
assert(a.hyphenated == "8da942a4-1fbe-4ca6-852c-95c473229c7d")
// convert from/to 128-bit byte array
let b = Uuid25(bytes: [UInt8](repeating: 0xff, count: 16))
assert(b.description == "f5lxx1zz5pnorynqglhzmsp33")
assert(b.bytes.allSatisfy { $0 == 0xff })
// convert from/to other popular textual representations
let c = [
assert(c.allSatisfy { $0.description == "dpoadk8izg9y4tte7vy1xt94o" })
let d = Uuid25("dpoadk8izg9y4tte7vy1xt94o")!
assert(d.hex == "e7a1d63b711744238988afcf12161878")
assert(d.hyphenated == "e7a1d63b-7117-4423-8988-afcf12161878")
assert(d.braced == "{e7a1d63b-7117-4423-8988-afcf12161878}")
assert(d.urn == "urn:uuid:e7a1d63b-7117-4423-8988-afcf12161878")
To add this library to your Xcode project as a dependency, select File > Add Packages and enter the package URL: https://github.com/uuid25/swift-uuid25
To use this library in a SwiftPM project, add the following line to the dependencies in your Package.swift file:
.package(url: "https://github.com/uuid25/swift-uuid25", from: "<version>"),
And, include Uuid25
as a dependency for your target:
name: "<target>",
dependencies: [.product(name: "Uuid25", package: "swift-uuid25")]
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.