

SwiftDemangling for Swift, clone from apple/swift/lib/Demangling

What's New



What's New:

Enhanced Demangling: Extends support to Swift 5.9 demangling syntax, covering new patterns and structures.
Improved Parsing Capabilities: Enhanced parsing for various Swift symbols including Builtin types, protocol descriptors, nominal and opaque type descriptors, and more.
Support for Advanced Generic Specializations: Improved parsing capabilities for complex generic specializations in Swift.
Distributed Thunk and Macro Expansion: Enhanced parsing for distributed thunk and macro expansions, providing more detailed insights.

Fixes and Improvements:

  • Various bug fixes and performance improvements.

This release brings our demangling capabilities up to date with the latest advancements in Swift, ensuring broader compatibility and efficiency.




SwiftDemangle is a library designed for demangling Swift symbols, inspired by Swift's own swift-demangle tool. This library offers compatibility up to Swift version 5.9, providing an easy-to-use interface for converting mangled Swift symbols into a human-readable format.

What's New in 5.9.1

Version 5.9.1 of SwiftDemangle brings several exciting enhancements, extending support for Swift's latest 5.9 demangle grammar. Key updates include:

  • Builtin Vector and Floating-Point Types: Demangle builtin types like vectors and floating-point types.
  • Outlined Read-Only Object Parsing: Improved parsing for outlined read-only objects.
  • Protocol and Conformance Descriptor Parsing: Enhanced parsing for protocol and conformance descriptor runtime records.
  • Nominal Type Descriptor and Opaque Type Descriptor: Support for nominal and opaque type descriptor runtime records.
  • Advanced Generic Specialization Parsing: Improved parsing for generic specializations in Swift.
  • Distributed Thunk and Accessible Function Records: Enhanced parsing for distributed thunk and accessible function runtime records.
  • Macro Expansion Parsing: Improved parsing for macro expansions in various contexts.

These additions enhance SwiftDemangle's capabilities, making it an indispensable tool for Swift developers.


# If using Swift Package Manager
dependencies: [
    .package(url: "https://github.com/oozoofrog/SwiftDemangle", .upToNextMajor(from: "5.9.1"))


import SwiftDemangle

// Example 1: Demangling a Builtin Vector Type
let mangledVector = "_TtBv4Bf16_"
let demangledVector = SwiftDemangle.demangle(mangledVector)
print(demangledVector)  // Output: Builtin.Vec4xFPIEEE16

// Example 2: Demangling a Protocol Descriptor
let mangledProtocol = "$ss6SimpleHr"
let demangledProtocol = SwiftDemangle.demangle(mangledProtocol)
print(demangledProtocol)  // Output: protocol descriptor runtime record for Swift.Simple


Contributions are welcome! If you have ideas for improvements or have found a bug, please feel free to fork the repository, make changes, and submit a pull request.


SwiftDemangle is released under the Apache 2.0 License, ensuring compatibility with the original Swift swift-demangle source code's license terms. For more details, see the LICENSE file in the repository.


  • Swift Tools 5.4.0
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Last updated: Mon Feb 24 2025 15:49:14 GMT-1000 (Hawaii-Aleutian Standard Time)