

A fast and efficient library for Delaunay triangulation and converting complex polygons into convex shapes, including advanced self-intersection resolution.


A fast and efficient library for Delaunay triangulation and converting complex polygons into convex shapes, including advanced self-intersection resolution.

Delaunay triangulation

Breaking into convex polygons


  • Delaunay Triangulation: Efficient and robust implementation for generating Delaunay triangulations.
  • Convex Polygons: Break complex polygons into simpler convex polygons.
  • Self-Intersection: Smart intersection resolution with Even-Odd or Non-Zero rules.


Basic Usage

Add imports:

import iTriangle

After that, represent your polygon as an array of vertices. Here's an example of a cheese polygon:

let shape = [
     // body
        CGPoint(x:   0, y:  20),     // 0
        CGPoint(x:   8, y:  10),     // 1
        CGPoint(x:   7, y:   6),     // 2
        CGPoint(x:   9, y:   1),     // 3
        CGPoint(x:  13, y:  -1),     // 4
        CGPoint(x:  17, y:   1),     // 5
        CGPoint(x:  26, y:  -7),     // 6
        CGPoint(x:  14, y: -15),     // 7
        CGPoint(x:   0, y: -18),     // 8
        CGPoint(x: -14, y: -15),     // 9
        CGPoint(x: -25, y:  -7),     // 10
        CGPoint(x: -18, y:   0),     // 11
        CGPoint(x: -16, y:  -3),     // 12
        CGPoint(x: -13, y:  -4),     // 13
        CGPoint(x:  -8, y:  -2),     // 14
        CGPoint(x:  -6, y:   2),     // 15
        CGPoint(x:  -7, y:   6),     // 16
        CGPoint(x: -10, y:   8)      // 17
    // hole
        CGPoint(x:   2, y:   0),    // 18
        CGPoint(x:  -2, y:  -2),    // 19
        CGPoint(x:  -4, y:  -5),    // 20
        CGPoint(x:  -2, y:  -9),    // 21
        CGPoint(x:   2, y: -11),    // 22
        CGPoint(x:   5, y:  -9),    // 23
        CGPoint(x:   7, y:  -5),    // 24
        CGPoint(x:   5, y:  -2)     // 25

let triangulation = shape.triangulate()

print("points: \(triangulation.points)")
print("indices: \(triangulation.indices)")

Output Triangulation: triangles indices and vertices, where all triangles oriented in a clockwise direction.


Add the following to your Package.swift:

let package = Package(
    name: "[your name]",
    products: [
        dependencies: [
            .package(url: "", from: "1.11.0")
        targets: [
                name: "[your target]",
                dependencies: ["iTriangle"])

Or add it directly through .xcodeproj

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  • Swift Tools 5.8.0
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Last updated: Fri Jan 24 2025 05:09:28 GMT-1000 (Hawaii-Aleutian Standard Time)