

ChartView made in SwiftUI

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Quickly implement & easily customize great looking line charts.

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import SwiftUI
import iLineChart

struct ContentView: View {
  var body: some View {
      iLineChart(data: [8,32,11,23,40,28,15,20,30,25])


Example 1

Enable chart statistics to make your chart & its data interactive. Add a title to give your chart some context.

import SwiftUI
import iLineChart

struct ContentView: View {
    var body: some View {
            data: [8,32,11,23,40,28,15,20,30,25],
            title: "My Graph",
            displayChartStats: true

Example 2

Utalize the built in ExampleData to test your chart with sophisticated data. Set curvedLines to false to give your stocks graph a more realistic feel. Choose style: .tertiary for a minimalist chart aesthetic.
import SwiftUI
import iLineChart

struct ContentView: View {
    var body: some View {
            data: [8,32,11,23,40,28,15,20,30,25],
            title: "My Graph",
            displayChartStats: true

Example 3

Change the cursor color with the built in iColor library. Enable fullscreen to cover the safe areas with your background color. Change the font to your company's brand.
import SwiftUI
import iLineChart
import iColor

struct ContentView: View {
    var data:[Double] = ExampleData.stockData

    var body: some View {
            data: data,
            title: "My Dark Themed App",
            subtitle: "Sleek. Simple.",
            style: .dark,
            titleColor: Color.neonRed,
            cursorColor: .black,
            titleFont: .system(size: 14, weight: .regular, design: .monospaced),
            subtitleFont: .system(size: 24, weight: .bold, design: .monospaced),
            fullScreen: true


iLineChart supports a variety of custom parameters. All custom parameters are built into the struct initialization.

Parameter Description
title: String? = nil Add a title above your graph.
subtitle: String? = nil Add a subtitle below your title and above your graph.
style: LineChartStyle = .primary LineChartStyle is an enum of different default style choices. You can choose between .primary, .secondary, .tertiary or .dark.
lineGradient: GradientColor? = nil Change the gradient of the graph line.
chartBackgroundGradient: GradientColor? = nil Change the gradient that lies below the chart line.
canvasBackgroundColor: Color? = nil Change the canvas color that lies behind the entire View (including the header text).
titleColor: Color? = nil Change the title color.
subtitleColor: Color? = nil Change the subtitle color.
numberColor: Color? = nil Change the color of the graph numbers.
curvedLines: Bool = true Does your graph have curved or straight lines.
cursorColor: Color = Color.NeonPink When a user clicks on the graph, this parameters controls their cursor color. Use the internal Color struct to quickly access good colors.
displayChartStats: Bool = false Display a line of text that reads the final data point, the current selected point (when applicable) and the percent change from the first data point.
minWidth: CGFloat = 0 Minimum chart width.
minHeight: CGFloat = 0 Minimum chart height.
maxWidth: CGFloat = .infinity Maximum chart width.
maxHeight: CGFloat = .infinity Maximum chart height.
titleFont: Font = .system(size: 30, weight: .regular, design: .rounded) Title font.
subtitleFont: Font = .system(size: 14, weight: .light, design: .rounded) Subtitle font.
dataFont: Font = .system(size: 16, weight: .bold, design: .monospace) Data font.
fullScreen: Bool = false Allow chart view to expand to the entire screen – including safe areas.
floatingPointNumberFormat: String = "%.1f" A regular expression for how to format datapoints from the chart.


  • Swift Tools 5.1.0
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Last updated: Tue Mar 11 2025 18:49:01 GMT-0900 (Hawaii-Aleutian Daylight Time)