

This is a simple integration of HTTP transmission, upload and download functions. It is a rare and good tool for iOS engineers.


Swift-5.6 iOS-14.0 TAG Swift Package Manager-SUCCESS LICENSE

  • This is a simple integration of HTTP transmission, upload and download functions. It is a rare and good tool for iOS engineers.
  • 這是一個簡單的HTTP傳輸、上傳、下載功能整合,是iOS工程師不可多得的好工具。


dependencies: [
    .package(url: "https://github.com/William-Weng/WWNetworking.git", .upToNextMajor(from: "1.5.0"))
函式 功能
request(with:urlString:contentType:paramaters:headers:httpBody:result:) 發出URLRequest
header(urlString:headers:result:) 取得該URL資源的HEAD資訊
upload(with:urlString:formData:parameters:headers:result) 上傳檔案 - 模仿Form
fragmentUpload(with:urlString:parameters:filename:delegateQueue:progress:completion:) 分段上傳 - 大型檔案
download(with:urlString:configuration:delegateQueue:isResume:progress:completion:) 下載資料 - URLSessionDownloadDelegate
fragmentDownload(with:fragment:delegateQueue:timeout:configiguration:progress:fragmentTask:completion:) 分段下載
multipleDownload(with:urlStrings:configuration:delegateQueue:progress:completion:) 下載多筆資料- URLSessionDownloadDelegate
函式 功能
request(with:urlString:contentType:paramaters:headers:httpBody:) 發出URLRequest
header(urlString:headers:) 取得該URL資源的HEAD資訊
upload(with:urlString:formData:parameters:headers:) 上傳檔案 - 模仿Form
fragmentUpload(with:urlString:parameters:filename:delegateQueue:progress:) 分段上傳 - 大型檔案
download(with:urlString:configuration:delegateQueue:isResume:progress:) 下載資料 - URLSessionDownloadDelegate
fragmentDownload(with:fragment:delegateQueue:timeout:configiguration:progress:) 分段下載
multipleRequest(with:) 發出多個request
multipleRequestWithTaskGroup(info:) 發出多個request


import UIKit
import WWNetworking

final class ViewController: UIViewController {

    @IBOutlet weak var resultTextField: UITextView!
    @IBOutlet var resultImageViews: [UIImageView]!
    @IBOutlet var resultProgressLabels: [UILabel]!

    private let ImageUrlInfos: [String] = [
    private let UrlStrings = [
        "GET": "https://httpbin.org/get",
        "POST": "https://httpbin.org/post",
        "DOWNLOAD": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/William-Weng/AdobeIllustrator/master/William-Weng.png",
        "UPLOAD": "",
        "FRAGMENT": "https://photosku.com/images_file/images/i000_803.jpg",
    override func viewDidLoad() { super.viewDidLoad() }
    @IBAction func httpGetAction(_ sender: UIButton) { httpGetTest() }
    @IBAction func httpPostAction(_ sender: UIButton) { httpPostTest() }
    @IBAction func httpDownloadAction(_ sender: UIButton) { httpDownloadData() }
    @IBAction func httpFragmentDownloadAction(_ sender: UIButton) { fragmentDownloadData() }
    @IBAction func httpMultipleDownloadAction(_ sender: UIButton) { httpMultipleDownload() }
    @IBAction func httpUploadAction(_ sender: UIButton) { httpUploadData() }
    @IBAction func httpFragmentUpLoad(_ sender: UIButton) { httpFragmentUploadData() }

private extension ViewController {

    func httpGetTest() {
        let urlString = UrlStrings["GET"]!
        let parameters: [String: String?] = ["name": "William.Weng", "github": "https://william-weng.github.io/"]

        _ = WWNetworking.shared.request(with: .GET, urlString: urlString, paramaters: parameters) { result in

            switch result {
            case .failure(let error): self.displayText(error)
            case .success(let info): self.displayText(info.data?._jsonSerialization())

    func httpPostTest() {
        let urlString = UrlStrings["POST"]!
        let parameters: [String: String?] = ["name": "William.Weng", "github": "https://william-weng.github.io/"]
        _ = WWNetworking.shared.request(with: .POST, urlString: urlString, paramaters: nil, httpBody: parameters._jsonSerialization()) { result in

            switch result {
            case .failure(let error): self.displayText(error)
            case .success(let info): self.displayText(info.data?._jsonSerialization())
    func httpUploadData() {
        let urlString = UrlStrings["UPLOAD"]!
        let imageData = resultImageViews[0].image?.pngData()
        let formData: WWNetworking.FormDataInformation = (name: "file_to_upload", filename: "Demo.png", contentType: .png, data: imageData!)
        _ = WWNetworking.shared.upload(urlString: urlString, formData: formData) { result in
            switch result {
            case .failure(let error): self.displayText(error)
            case .success(let info): self.displayText("\(info.data?._jsonSerialization() ?? "NOT JSON")")
    func httpFragmentUploadData() {
        let urlString = UrlStrings["UPLOAD"]!
        let index = 1
        let imageData = resultImageViews[index].image?.pngData()
        _ = WWNetworking.shared.fragmentUpload(urlString: urlString, parameters: ["x-filename": imageData!], filename: "Large.png", progress: { info in
            let progress = Float(info.totalBytesSent) / Float(info.totalBytesExpectedToSend)
            DispatchQueue.main.async { self.title = "\(progress)" }
        }, completion: { result in
            switch result {
            case .failure(let error): self.displayText(error)
            case .success(let isSuccess): self.displayText(isSuccess)
    func httpDownloadData() {
        let urlString = UrlStrings["DOWNLOAD"]!
        let index = 0
        _ = WWNetworking.shared.download(urlString: urlString, progress: { info in
            let progress = Float(info.totalWritten) / Float(info.totalSize)
            self.displayProgressWithIndex(index, progress: progress)
        }, completion: { result in
            switch result {
            case .failure(let error): self.displayText(error)
            case .success(let info): self.displayImageWithIndex(index, data: info.data)
    func fragmentDownloadData() {
        let urlString = UrlStrings["FRAGMENT"]!
        let index = 1
        let fragmentCount = 10
        WWNetworking.shared.fragmentDownload(with: urlString, fragment: fragmentCount, progress: { info in
            let progress = Float(info.totalWritten) / Float(info.totalSize)
            self.displayProgressWithIndex(index, progress: progress)
        }, fragmentTask: { _ in
        }, completion: { result in
            switch result {
            case .failure(let error): self.displayText(error)
            case .success(let data): self.displayImageWithIndex(index, data: data)
    func httpMultipleDownload() {
        resultImageViews.forEach { $0.image = nil }
        _ = WWNetworking.shared.multipleDownload(urlStrings: ImageUrlInfos) { info in
            guard let index = self.displayImageIndex(urlStrings: self.ImageUrlInfos, urlString: info.urlString),
                  let progress = Optional.some(Float(info.totalWritten) / Float(info.totalSize))
            else {

            self.displayProgressWithIndex(index, progress: progress)
        } completion: { result in
            switch result {
            case .failure(let error): self.displayText(error)
            case .success(let info):
                guard let index = self.displayImageIndex(urlStrings: self.ImageUrlInfos, urlString: info.urlString) else { return }
                self.displayImageWithIndex(index, data: info.data)

private extension ViewController {
    func displayProgressWithIndex(_ index: Int, progress: Float) {
        self.resultProgressLabels[index].text = "\(progress * 100.0) %"
    func displayImageWithIndex(_ index: Int, data: Data?) {
        guard let data = data else { return }
        self.resultImageViews[index].image = UIImage(data: data)
    func displayText(_ text: Any?) {
        DispatchQueue.main.async { self.resultTextField.text = "\(text ?? "NULL")" }
    func displayImageIndex(urlStrings: [String], urlString: String?) -> Int? {
        guard let urlString = urlString,
              let index = urlStrings.firstIndex(of: urlString)
        else {
            return nil

        return index


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Last updated: Sun Mar 09 2025 20:27:35 GMT-0900 (Hawaii-Aleutian Daylight Time)