

The E-sites Swift iOS API Client used for standard restful API's

What's New




  • Preventing concurrency when refreshing the access token simultaneously for multiple requests



Cobalt is part of the E-sites iOS Suite.

The E-sites Swift iOS API Client used for standard restful API's with default support for OAuth2.

forthebadge forthebadge



Swift PM

package.swift dependency:

.package(url: "", from: "7.0.0"),

and to your application/library target, add "Cobalt" to your dependencies, e.g. like this:

.target(name: "BestExampleApp", dependencies: ["Cobalt"]),


Extend the Cobalt class to use it in your own API client.


import Cobalt

class APIClient: Cobalt.Client {
   static let `default` = APIClient()
   private init() {
      let config = Cobalt.Config {
         $0.authentication.path = "/oauth/v2/token"
         $0.authentication.authorizationPath = "/oauth/v2/connect"
         $0.authentication.clientID = "my_oauth_client_id"
         $0.authentication.clientSecret = "my_oauth_client_secret"
         $0.authentication.pkceEnabled = false // Disabled by default
         $ = ""
      super.init(config: config)

Making requests

APIClient uses Promises by google internally for handling the responses for a request


class APIClient: Cobalt.Client {
   // ...
   func users() -> Promise<[User]> {
      let request = Cobalt.Request {
         $0.path = "/users"
         $0.parameters = [
            "per_page": 10
      return self.request(request).then { json: JSON -> Promise<[User]> in
         let users = try [User].self)
         return Promise(users)
      }.catch { error in
         print("Error: \(error)")


To utilize disk caching out of the box add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'Cobalt/Cache'

And implement it like this:

class APIClient: Cobalt.Client {
   // ...
   func users() -> Promise<[User]> {
      let request = Cobalt.Request {
         $0.path = "/users"
         $0.cachingPolicy = .expires(seconds: 60 * 60 * 24) // expires after 1 day
      return self.request(request).then { json: JSON -> Promise<[User]> in
         let users = try [User].self)
         return Promise(users)
      }.catch { error in
         print("Error: \(error)")

To clear the entire cache:



Extend the above class with:

import RxSwift

extension Reactive where Base: Cobalt.Client {
   func users() -> Single<[User]> {
      return self.users().asSingle()

And use it like so:

APIClient.default.rx.users() // ... rxswift etc.

Regular closures

Not in the need for Promises or RxSwift, you can also use regular closures:

extension Promise {
    func closure(_ handler: @escaping ((Value?, Error?) -> Void)) {
        self.then { value in
            handler(value, nil)
        }.catch { error in
            handler(nil, error)

And then use it like this:

APIClient.default.users().closure { users, error 
    // ... Handle it


If you want to login a user using the OAuth2 protocol, use the login() function from the Cobalt class. Internally it will handle the retrieval and refreshing of the provided access_token:

func login(email: String, password: String) -> Promise<Void>

You can also use other options of authentication


If you want to retrieve the user profile, you need the .oauth2(.password) authenication, that way the request will only succeed if the user has requested an access_token through the login() function.
If the access_token is expired, Cobalt will automatically refresh it, using the refresh_token

class APIClient: Cobalt.Client {
   // ...
   func profile() -> Promise<User> {
        let request = Cobalt.Request({
            $0.authentication = .oauth2(.password)
            $0.path = "/user/profile"

        return request(request).then { json -> Promise<User> in
            let user = try json["data"].map(to: User.self)
            return Promise(user)


This grant type requires the user to sign in in a webview or browser. To enable this type of authentication, add .oauth2(.authorizationCode) to the Cobalt.Request. If the access_token is expired, Cobalt will automatically refresh it, using the refresh_token.

class APIClient: Cobalt.Client {
    // ...

    func profile() -> Promise<User> {
        let request = Cobalt.Request({
            $0.authentication = .oauth2(.authorizationCode)
            $0.path = "/user/profile"

        return request(request).then { json -> Promise<User> in
            let user = try json["data"].map(to: User.self)
            return Promise(user)

Before requesting the profile, the user needs to sign in. To simplify, Cobalt can create an AuthorizationCodeRequest for you, which contains the url you need to redirect the user to:

public struct AuthorizationCodeRequest {
    public var url: URL
    public var redirectUri: String
    public var state: String?
    public var codeVerifier: String?

class OAuthAuthenticator {
    // ...
    private var presentedViewController: UIViewController?
    func login() {
        // Cobalt uses the credentials you provided in the config
        // When you enabled PKCE, Cobalt will also create the code challenge and verifier for you
        // The code verifier is returned to you in the AuthorizationCodeRequest
            scope: ["openid", "profile", "email", "offline_access"],
            redirectUri: "app://oauth/authorized"
        ).subscribe(onSuccess: { [weak self] request in
            self?.request = request
            let safariController = SFSafariViewController(url: request.url)
            self?.presentedViewController = UINavigationController(rootViewController: safariController)
            self?.presentedViewController!.setNavigationBarHidden(true, animated: false)
                animated: true,
                completion: nil
        }, onError: { error in
            print("error: \(error)")
        }).disposed(by: disposeBag)
    // You execute this when receiving the callback from: "app://oauth/authorized?code=code&scope=scope&state=state"
    func getAccessToken(from code: String, scope: String? = nil, state: String? = nil) -> Single<Void> {
        defer {
            presentedViewController = nil
        if let presentedViewController = presentedViewController {
            presentedViewController.dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil)
        // Validate that the state of the callback equals the state created by Cobalt
        // Perform some extra validation by your needs
        if request.state != state {
            return Single<Void>.error(Error.invalidUrl)
        client.requestTokenFromAuthorizationCode(initialRequest: request, code: code).subscribe(onSuccess: {
            // The user is signed in successfully 
        }, onError: { error in
            // Something went wrong, notify the user


You have to provide the .oauth2(.clientCredentials) authentication for the Cobalt.Request

class APIClient: Cobalt.Client {
   // ...
   func register(email: String, password: String) -> Promise<Void> {
      let request = Cobalt.Request({
            $0.httpMethod = .post
            $0.path = "/register"
            $0.authentication = .oauth2(.clientCredentials)
            $0.parameters = [
                "email": email,
                "password": password

        return request(request).then { json -> Promise<Void> in
            return Promise(())

This way Cobalt will know that the request needs a client_credentials grant_type with an access-token.
If the user already has an access_token with that grant_type, Cobalt will use it. Else it will request a new access_token for you

Clearing the access_token

To remove the access_token from its memory and keychain, use:

func clearAccessToken()


Just open Cobalt.xcodeproj


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Last updated: Sun Mar 09 2025 15:29:44 GMT-0900 (Hawaii-Aleutian Daylight Time)