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Bug Fix

Fixed compilation error when using public modifier with macro.


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Easily create pipelines for Metal Shader.


Create Compute Function

You can easily send any variables to the shader, simply by defining it in your class.

"gid" is pre-defined for [[thread_position_in_grid]]

import EasyMetalShader

class MyCompute {
    var intensity: Float = 3
    var tex: MTLTexture?
    var impl: String {
        "float2 floatGid = float2(gid.x, gid.y);"
        "float2 center = float2(tex.get_width() / 2, tex.get_height() / 2);"
        "float dist = distance(center, floatGid);"
        "float color = intensity / dist;"
        "tex.write(float4(color, color, color, 1), gid);"
    var customMetalCode: String {

Create Render Function

Same as the compute function, you can send variables to both vertex and fragment shader.

"vertexInput" is pre-defined in vertex function as VertexInput, which stands for [[ stage_in ]].

"c0" is pre-defined in fragment function as float4, which stands for [[ color(0) ]].

"rd" is pre-defined for both vertex and fragment function, which stands for RasterizerData.

struct VertexInput {
    float4 input0 [[ attribute(0) ]]; // this is usually for position
    float4 input1 [[ attribute(1) ]]; // this is usually for color
    float4 input2 [[ attribute(2) ]]; // use other inputs to pass values to vertex shader
    float4 input3 [[ attribute(3) ]];
    float4 input4 [[ attribute(4) ]];
    float4 input5 [[ attribute(5) ]];
    float4 input6 [[ attribute(6) ]];
    float4 input7 [[ attribute(7) ]];
    float4 input8 [[ attribute(8) ]];
    float4 input9 [[ attribute(9) ]];

struct RasterizerData {
    float4 position [[ position ]];
    float4 color;
    // use this for defining size of MTLPrimitiveType.point
    // this has no effect when you are using MTLPrimitiveType other than .point
    float size [[ point_size ]];

    // use this for passing some variables from vertex shader to fragment shader
    float4 temp1;
    float4 temp2;
    float4 temp3;
    float4 temp4;
    float4 temp5;
    float4 temp6;
    float4 temp7;
    float4 temp8;
    float4 temp9;
    // these variables are flat (no interpolation)
    float4 flat1 [[ flat ]];
    float4 flat2 [[ flat ]];
    float4 flat3 [[ flat ]];
    float4 flat4 [[ flat ]];
    float4 flat5 [[ flat ]];
    float4 flat6 [[ flat ]];
    float4 flat7 [[ flat ]];
    float4 flat8 [[ flat ]];
    float4 flat9 [[ flat ]];
class MyRender {
    var vertImpl: String {
        "rd.size = 10;"
        "rd.position = vertexInput.input0;"
        "rd.color = vertexInput.input1;"
    var fragImpl: String {
        "return rd.color + c0;"
    var customMetalCode: String {

Create pipeline and renderer

date and mousePos is defined in ShaderRenderer

import EasyMetalShader

class MyRenderer: ShaderRenderer {
    var particles: [VertexInput] = {
        var inputs: [VertexInput] = []
        for _ in 0...1000 {
            var input = VertexInput()
            input.input0 = .init(Float.random(in: -1...1), Float.random(in: -1...1), 0, 1)
            input.input1 = .init(Float.random(in: 0.3...1), 0.3, 0.3, 1)
        return inputs
    let compute = MyCompute()
    let render = MyRender(targetPixelFormat: .bgra8Unorm)
    override func draw(view: MTKView, drawable: CAMetalDrawable) {
        let dispatch = EMMetalDispatch()
        dispatch.compute { [self] encoder in
            compute.intensity = abs(sin(Float(Date().timeIntervalSince(date)))) * 100
            compute.tex = drawable.texture
            compute.dispatch(encoder, textureSizeReference: drawable.texture)
        dispatch.render(renderTargetTexture: drawable.texture, needsClear: false) { [self] encoder in
            render.dispatch(encoder, textureSizeReference: drawable.texture, primitiveType: .point, vertices: particles)
        dispatch.present(drawable: drawable)

Show in SwiftUI View

import SwiftUI
import EasyMetalShader

struct ContentView: View {
    let renderer = MyRenderer()
    var body: some View {
        EasyShaderView(renderer: renderer)


Manual Dispatch

You can manually dispatch compute or render functions outside of MTKView.

let tex = EMMetalTexture.create(width: 100, height: 100, pixelFormat: .bgra8Unorm, label: "tex")
let dispatch = EMMetalDispatch()
dispatch.compute { encoder in
    compute.tex = tex
    compute.intensity = 50
    compute.dispatch(encoder, textureSizeReference: tex)
dispatch.render(renderTargetTexture: tex, needsClear: false) { encoder in
    render.dispatch(encoder, textureSizeReference: tex, primitiveType: .point, vertices: [simd_float4(0.2, 0.2, 0, 1.0)])

Ignoring variables from being sent to the shader

class MyCompute {
    var someVariable = 3

Custom Constructor

class MyCompute {
    init(a: Float) {
        setup() // you need this!

class MyRender {
    init(a: Float) {
        setup(targetPixelFormat: .bgra8unorm) // you need this!

Supported Data Types

  • Int32
  • Float
  • Bool
  • simd_int2
  • simd_int3
  • simd_int4
  • simd_float2
  • simd_float3
  • simd_float4
  • simd_float2x2
  • simd_float3x3
  • simd_float4x4
  • MTLTexture (only 2d texture)

Supported Platforms

  • macOS 11.0~
  • iOS 14.0~
  • iOS Simulator (render shader only works on physical devices)

Custom Pipelines

let dispatch = EMMetalDispatch()
dispatch.custom { commandBuffer in
    // do something with commandBuffer

Custom Metal Functions

implement customMetalCode property to add your original metal codes.

var customMetalCode: String {
    "inline float myFunc() {"
    "return 1.0;"

Sample Code

// compute shader
class MyCompute {
    var intensity: Float = 3
    var tex: MTLTexture?
    var impl: String {
        "float2 floatGid = float2(gid.x, gid.y);"
        "float2 center = float2(tex.get_width() / 2, tex.get_height() / 2);"
        "float dist = distance(center, floatGid);"
        "float color = intensity / dist;"
        "tex.write(float4(color, color, color, 1), gid);"
    var customMetalCode: String {

// vertex/fragment shader
class MyRender {
    var vertImpl: String {
        "rd.size = 10;"
        "rd.position = vertexInput.input0;"
        "rd.color = vertexInput.input1;"
    var fragImpl: String {
        "return rd.color + c0;"
    var customMetalCode: String {
// renderer
class MyRenderer: ShaderRenderer {
    var particles: [VertexInput] = {
        var inputs: [VertexInput] = []
        for _ in 0...1000 {
            var input = VertexInput()
            input.input0 = .init(Float.random(in: -1...1), Float.random(in: -1...1), 0, 1)
            input.input1 = .init(Float.random(in: 0.3...1), 0.3, 0.3, 1)
        return inputs
    let compute = MyCompute()
    let render = MyRender(targetPixelFormat: .bgra8Unorm)
    override func draw(view: MTKView, drawable: CAMetalDrawable) {
        let dispatch = EMMetalDispatch()
        dispatch.compute { [self] encoder in
            compute.intensity = abs(sin(Float(Date().timeIntervalSince(date)))) * 100
            compute.tex = drawable.texture
            compute.dispatch(encoder, textureSizeReference: drawable.texture)
        dispatch.render(renderTargetTexture: drawable.texture, needsClear: false) { [self] encoder in
            render.dispatch(encoder, textureSizeReference: drawable.texture, primitiveType: .point, vertices: particles)
        dispatch.present(drawable: drawable)
struct ContentView: View {
    let renderer = MyRenderer()
    var body: some View {
        EasyShaderView(renderer: renderer)



  • Swift Tools 5.9.0
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Last updated: Tue Mar 04 2025 16:16:50 GMT-1000 (Hawaii-Aleutian Standard Time)