This package contains some very straightforward wrappers around around Speech Recognition part of SFSpeechRecognizer to allow you using this with ease.
Using Swift Concurrency withasync
, a couple ofAsyncStream
A wrapper around the library above facilitating the integration with Point-Free Dependencies library or a project made with The Composable Architecture (TCA).SwiftSpeechCombine
the OG library still available in this package
in your app Info.plist with a description of its usage.
import Speech
import SwiftSpeechRecognizer
struct SpeechRecognizer {
var authorizationStatusChanged: (SFSpeechRecognizerAuthorizationStatus) -> Void
var speechRecognitionStatusChanged: (SpeechRecognitionStatus) -> Void
var utteranceChanged: (String) -> Void
private let speechRecognizer =
func start() {
Task {
for await authorizationStatus in speechRecognizer.authorizationStatus() {
switch authorizationStatus {
case .authorized:
print("Not authorized to use speech recognizer")
private func startRecording() {
do {
try speechRecognizer.startRecording()
Task {
for await recognitionStatus in speechRecognizer.recognitionStatus() {
Task {
for await newUtterance in speechRecognizer.newUtterance() {
} catch {
print("Something went wrong: \(error)")
import SwiftUI
struct ContentView: View {
var body: some View {
Button {
let speechRecognizer = SpeechRecognizer(
authorizationStatusChanged: { newAuthorizationStatus in
print("Authorization status changed: \(newAuthorizationStatus)")
speechRecognitionStatusChanged: { newRecognitionStatus in
print("Recognition status changed: \(newRecognitionStatus)")
utteranceChanged: { newUtterance in
print("Recognized utterance changed: \(newUtterance)")
} label: {
Text("Start speech recognizer")
Add @Dependency(\.speechRecognizer) var speechRecognizer
in your Reducer
, you will have access to all functions mentioned above.
import ComposableArchitecture
import Speech
import SwiftSpeechRecognizerDependency
public struct SpeechRecognizer: ReducerProtocol {
public struct State: Equatable {
public var status: SpeechRecognitionStatus = .notStarted
public var authorizationStatus: SFSpeechRecognizerAuthorizationStatus = .notDetermined
public var utterance: String?
public init(
status: SpeechRecognitionStatus = .notStarted,
authorizationStatus: SFSpeechRecognizerAuthorizationStatus = .notDetermined,
utterance: String? = nil
) {
self.status = status
self.authorizationStatus = authorizationStatus
self.utterance = utterance
public enum Action: Equatable {
case buttonTapped
case startRecording
case stopRecording
case setStatus(SpeechRecognitionStatus)
case setUtterance(String?)
case requestAuthorization
case setAuthorizationStatus(SFSpeechRecognizerAuthorizationStatus)
case cancel
@Dependency(\.speechRecognizer) var speechRecognizer
public init() {}
private enum AuthorizationStatusTaskID {}
private enum RecognitionStatusTaskID {}
private enum NewUtteranceTaskID {}
public func reduce(into state: inout State, action: Action) -> EffectTask<Action> {
switch action {
case .buttonTapped:
switch state.status {
case .recording, .stopping:
return stopRecording(state: &state)
case .notStarted, .stopped:
return startRecording(state: &state)
case .startRecording:
return startRecording(state: &state)
case .stopRecording:
return stopRecording(state: &state)
case let .setStatus(status):
state.status = status
switch status {
case .recording, .stopping:
state.utterance = nil
case .notStarted, .stopped:
return .none
case let .setUtterance(utterance):
state.utterance = utterance
return .none
case let .setAuthorizationStatus(authorizationStatus):
state.authorizationStatus = authorizationStatus
switch authorizationStatus {
case .authorized:
return startRecording(state: &state)
case .notDetermined:
return requestAuthorization(state: &state)
default: break
return .none
case .requestAuthorization:
return requestAuthorization(state: &state)
case .cancel:
return .cancel(ids: [AuthorizationStatusTaskID.self, RecognitionStatusTaskID.self, NewUtteranceTaskID.self])
private func startRecording(state: inout State) -> EffectTask<Action> {
guard state.authorizationStatus == .authorized
else { return requestAuthorization(state: &state) }
do {
try speechRecognizer.startRecording()
return .merge(
.run(operation: { send in
for await recognitionStatus in speechRecognizer.recognitionStatus() {
await send(.setStatus(recognitionStatus))
.cancellable(id: RecognitionStatusTaskID.self),
.run(operation: { send in
for await newUtterance in speechRecognizer.newUtterance() {
await send(.setUtterance(newUtterance))
.cancellable(id: NewUtteranceTaskID.self)
} catch {
return stopRecording(state: &state)
private func stopRecording(state: inout State) -> EffectTask<Action> {
return .none
private func requestAuthorization(state: inout State) -> EffectTask<Action> {
return .run { send in
for await authorizationStatus in speechRecognizer.authorizationStatus() {
await send(.setAuthorizationStatus(authorizationStatus))
.cancellable(id: AuthorizationStatusTaskID.self)
You can instantiate/inject SpeechRecognitionEngine
object, it has this behavior
func requestAuthorization()
: call this method when you want to ask user if you can use Speech Recognition. Please, follow Apple Human Guidelines recommendations: Asking Permission to Use Speech Recognition- subscribe to
to know when and what's the user decision (see below)
- subscribe to
func startRecording() throws
: call this method when you want to start the speech recognition, all the complexity withAVAudioEngine
is hidden behind this function.- subscribe to
depending on your needs. See below the difference
- subscribe to
func stopRecording()
: call this method when you want the speech recognition to stop -
var authorizationStatusPublisher
: subscribe to this to know what's the current authorization status of the speech recognition (this authorization include the microphone usage) -
var recognizedUtterancePublisher
: subscribe to this to know when aString
is recognized -
var isRecognitionAvailablePublisher
: subscribe to this to know when the recognition status changed. It could be:notStarted
: no recognition has started yet for the sessionrecording
: the recognition is processingstopping
: a stop recognition has just been triggeredstopped
: the recognition is stopped, and is ready to start the next recognition
var isRecognitionAvailablePublisher
: subscribe to this to know when the Speech Recognition is available on the device (like if the internet connection allows the Speech Recognition to be processed) -
var newUtterancePublisher
: subscribe to this if you're only interested in "new" actual utterance. It's actually a shortcut ofrecognizedUtterancePublisher
while it removes duplicates and only take an actual String (so it's nevernil
import Combine
import Speech
import SwiftSpeechCombine
let engine: SpeechRecognitionEngine = SpeechRecognitionSpeechEngine()
var cancellables = Set<AnyCancellable>()
// Only start to record if you're authorized to do so!
func speechRecognitionStatusChanged(authorizationStatus: SFSpeechRecognizerAuthorizationStatus) {
guard authorizationStatus == .authorized
else { return }
do {
try engine.startRecording()
.sink { newUtterance in
// Do whatever you want with the recognized utterance...
.store(in: &cancellables)
.sink { status in
// Very useful to notify the user of the current status
setTheButtonState(status: status)
.store(in: &cancellables)
} catch {
func setTheButtonState(status: SpeechRecognitionStatus) {
switch status {
case .notStarted: print("The button is ready to be tapped")
case .recording: print("The button is showing a progress spinner")
case .stopping: print("The button is disabled")
case .stopped: print("The button is ready to be tapped for a new recognition")
.compactMap { $0 }
.sink { authorizationStatus in
speechRecognitionStatusChanged(authorizationStatus: authorizationStatus)
.store(in: &cancellables)
You can add SwiftSpeechCombine to an Xcode project by adding it as a package dependency.
- From the File menu, select Swift Packages › Add Package Dependency...
- Enter "" into the package repository URL test field
- Select one of the three libary that you are interested in. See above
Edit your Package.swift
to add this library.
let package = Package(
dependencies: [
.package(url: "", from: "1.0.0"),
targets: [
name: "<Your project name>",
dependencies: [
.product(name: "SwiftSpeechRecognizer", package: "swift-speech-recognizer"), // <-- Modern concurrency
.product(name: "SwiftSpeechRecognizerDependency", package: "swift-speech-recognizer"), // <-- Point-Free Dependencies library wrapper
.product(name: "SwiftSpeechCombine", package: "swift-speech-recognizer"), // <-- Combine wrapper