
JSON Feed (jsonfeed.org) parser written in Swift 4 using the Codable protocol.


JSONFeed is a lightweight JSON Feed parser written in Swift 4, using the brand new Codable protocol and Foundation's new JSONDecoder and JSONEncoder classes. It supports both decoding from JSON, and encoding to JSON.

The JSON Feed format is similar to RSS and Atom, and was released on May 17th, 2017 by Brent Simmons and Manton Reece.




You can instantiate a JSONFeed object from raw data as follows:

let feed = try? JSONFeed.make(from: data)

For the lazy developers out there, the JSONFeed+Fetch.swift extension provides a quick and lightweight way to fetch a JSON Feed from the web, without having to write any networking code (no need to worry with URLSession or Alamofire).

JSONFeed.fetch("https://daringfireball.net/feeds/json") { (feed: JSONFeed?, error: Error?) in

    guard error == nil else { return }

    let titles = feed!.items[0..<5].map { $0.title ?? "No title" }

    print(titles.joined(separator: "\n"))

The example above prints out the five most recent Daring Fireball posts:

Designing the Worst Volume Sliders Possible
John Markoff to Interview Scott Forstall Next Week
Brian Merchant Has Tony Fadell on Tape
Inductive Charging Is Not ‘Wireless’
Microsoft Surface Laptop Teardown

The decoder strictly enforces the following requirements of the spec:

  • The feed must include a version string.
  • The feed must include a title string.
  • The feed must include an items array, although the array may be empty.
  • All items must include an id, and the id must be a string, integer, or float.
  • All dates (namely, date_published and date_modified) must conform to RFC3339.
  • All item attachments must include a url string.
  • All hub objects must include a type string and a url string.
  • All values must match their specified data type. For example, the spec states that the value for title should be a string – if the decoder encounters an integer, float, or some other type for title, it will throw an error.

If even one requirement is not met, then the decoder throws an error and thus the entire feed is considered invalid.

Note that the JSON Feed spec declares the item attachment mime_type as a required string, yet JSONFeed defines this property as String?. This is to more closely match the spirit of the spec:

There are cases, though, where a required element might not be present. In the case of an attachment missing a mime_type, you can probably deal with it fine. After all, when you download the attached file, the web browser will provide a MIME type. (And you might have been able to guess it from the file suffix.)


You can also encode a native Swift JSONFeed object to JSON.

To encode the feed as data:

let data = try? feed.encodeToData()

To produce a string:

let string = try feed.encodeToString()

Design Goals

The primary goal of this project (other than the most obvious goal, which is to successfully parse JSON Feeds) is to eliminate boilerplate JSON parsing code by using the new Codable protocol in Swift 4, along with the new JSONDecoder and JSONEncoder classes in Foundation. Historically, you would get Data from a server, deserialize that Data into a [String: Any] dictionary via the venerable JSONSerialization class, and then instantiate your native Swift object(s) by manually setting each property from the key-value pairs in the dictionary. With Codable and JSONDecoder, you can go directly from Data to JSONFeed in one easy step, without the dictionary and without all of the boilerplate.

When I started this project, the second most important goal was for the parser to be flexible and lenient. During development, I discovered that this design goal was at odds with the first design goal. In other words, the out-of-the-box behavior of Codable is quite strict.


The JSON Feed specification defines two date parameters: date_published and date_modified. Both are specified as optional strings in the RFC3339 format. What is RFC3339?

It is a conformant subset of the ISO 8601 extended format. Simplicity is achieved by making most fields and punctuation mandatory.

Great! A "conformant subset" of ISO 8601!

😃 That means we can use the iso8601 date decoding strategy built-in to JSONDecoder, right?

😩 Wrong!

There's a bug in Apple's ISO8601DateFormatter: It cannot parse date strings that include fractions of a second. RFC3339 allows for fractions of a second, but defines it as a "rarely used option", as follows:

Rarely used options should be made mandatory or omitted for the sake of interoperability whenever possible. The format defined below includes only one rarely used option: fractions of a second. It is expected that this will be used only by applications which require strict ordering of date/time stamps or which have an unusual precision requirement.

The JSON Feed spec does not specify whether this option is "mandatory or omitted". Most JSON Feeds in the wild don't use fractions of a second, but some do (e.g., the Flying Meat blog, and Maybe Pizza?).

Luckily, JSONDecoder provides multiple options for date decoding via the DateDecodingStrategy enum:

/// The strategy to use for decoding `Date` values.
public enum DateDecodingStrategy {

    /// Defer to `Date` for decoding. This is the default strategy.
    case deferredToDate

    /// Decode the `Date` as a UNIX timestamp from a JSON number.
    case secondsSince1970

    /// Decode the `Date` as UNIX millisecond timestamp from a JSON number.
    case millisecondsSince1970

    /// Decode the `Date` as an ISO-8601-formatted string (in RFC 3339 format).
    case iso8601

    /// Decode the `Date` as a string parsed by the given formatter.
    case formatted(DateFormatter)

    /// Decode the `Date` as a custom value decoded by the given closure.
    case custom((Decoder) throws -> Date)

As discussed above, iso8601 fails if the date string includes fractions of a second. Another option is formatted(DateFormatter), but you'll notice that Apple's ISO8601DateFormatter actually subclasses Formatter rather than DateFormatter - this is because DateFormatter is not particularly well suited to subclassing. JSONFeed uses the last option: case custom((Decoder) throws -> Date).

Item Identifiers

Per the spec, each item in the feed is required to have an id, which uniquely identifies the item. The specified data type is a string, however the spec allows for "a number or other type":

id (required, string) is unique for that item for that feed over time. If an item is ever updated, the id should be unchanged. New items should never use a previously-used id. If an id is presented as a number or other type, a JSON Feed reader must coerce it to a string. Ideally, the id is the full URL of the resource described by the item, since URLs make great unique identifiers.

If we simply define id as a String and use the default compiler-generated implementation of Decodable, then JSONDecoder will throw an error when parsing a feed which uses numbers instead of strings for the id parameter. In lieu of a custom implementation of Decodable (which would introduce a lot of boilerplate), JSONFeed employs a custom type, called AmbiguouslyTypedIdentifier, which has its own custom implementation of Codable, allowing for the id to be a String, Int, or Double. This is a good tradeoff between providing flexibility and minimizing boilerplate.

URL vs String

The JSON Feed spec includes several parameters that are URLs. In JSONFeed, every URL parameter is declared as a String rather than a Foundation URL. Why? If a property is a URL, and the feed includes an invalid URL, then JSONDecoder will throw an error, thus rendering the entire feed invalid. Using String instead of URL allows JSONFeed to be more versatile and permissive. In addition, the JSON Feed spec alludes to the possibility of private feeds that are not published on the public web. For this use case, the feed author may decide to use relative paths for the URL parameters, rather than absolute paths.

Use Cases

Why would anyone need a JSON Feed encoder / decoder written in Swift?

  • Write a feed reader app for iOS.
  • Write a feed reader app for macOS.
  • Write your own blog engine, and use it to generate the JSON Feed for your blog.
  • Use a JSON Feed as a lightweight content management system for your iOS app.



Simply drag JSONFeed.swift and (optionally) JSONFeed+Fetch.swift into your Xcode project.

Swift Package Manager

I'm working on adding support for the Swift Package Manager.


  • Swift Tools 4.0.0
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  • None
Last updated: Tue Oct 22 2024 16:16:34 GMT-0900 (Hawaii-Aleutian Daylight Time)