

Simplify User Notifications in Spezi-based applications.

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Simplify User Notifications in Spezi-based applications.


SpeziNotifications simplifies interaction with user notifications by adding additional actions to the Environment of SwiftUI Views and Spezi Modules.

Schedule Notifications

You can use the Notifications module to interact with user notifications within your application. You can either define it as a dependency of your Spezi Module or retrieve it from the environment using the @Environment property wrapper in your SwiftUI View.

The code example below schedules a notification request, accessing the Notifications module from within the custom MyNotifications module.

import Spezi
import UserNotifications

final class MyNotifications: Module {
    private var notifications

    private var settings

    func scheduleAppointmentReminder() async throws {
        let status = await settings().authorizationStatus
        guard status == .authorized || status == .provisional else {
            return // no authorization to schedule notification

        let content = UNMutableNotificationContent()
        content.title = "Your Appointment"
        content.body = "Your appointment is in 3 hours"

        let trigger = UNTimeIntervalNotificationTrigger(timeInterval: 3 * 60, repeats: false)

        let request = UNNotificationRequest(identifier: "3-hour-reminder", content: content, trigger: trigger)

        try await notifications.add(request: request)

Requesting Authorization in SwiftUI

The Notification module and notification-related actions are also available in the SwiftUI Environment. The code example below creates a simple notification authorization onboarding view that (1) determines the current authorization status and (2) request notification authorization when the user taps the button.

import SpeziNotifications
import SpeziViews

struct NotificationOnboarding: View {
    private var notificationSettings
    private var requestNotificationAuthorization

    @State private var viewState: ViewState = .idle
    @State private var notificationsAuthorized = false

    var body: some View {
        VStack {
            // ...
            if notificationsAuthorized {
                Button("Continue") {
                    // show next view ...
            } else {
                AsyncButton("Allow Notifications", state: $viewState) {
                    try await requestNotificationAuthorization(options: [.alert, .badge, .sound])
                    .environment(\.defaultErrorDescription, "Failed to request notification authorization.")
            .viewStateAlert(state: $viewState)
            .task {
                notificationsAuthorized = await notificationSettings().authorizationStatus == .authorized


The example above uses the AsyncButton and the ViewState model from SpeziViews to more easily manage the state of asynchronous actions and handle erroneous conditions.


You need to add the SpeziNotifications Swift package to your app in Xcode or Swift package.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See Licenses for more information.


This project is developed as part of the Stanford Mussallem Center for Biodesign at Stanford University. See CONTRIBUTORS.md for a full list of all SpeziNotifications contributors.

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Last updated: Wed Dec 18 2024 04:35:18 GMT-1000 (Hawaii-Aleutian Standard Time)