

An iOS library for SwiftUI to create draggable sheet experiences similar to iOS applications like Maps and Stocks.

Please note this is a pre-release of 2.0.0. Please use 1.4.5 if you want to run the latest stable version.


An iOS library for SwiftUI to create draggable sheet experiences similar to iOS applications like Maps and Stocks.

Feature overview

The library currently supports;

  • Unlimited snap positions
  • Realtime position callback
  • Absolute and relative positioning
  • Customizable animation parameters
  • An optional sticky header
  • Views with and without a scrollview

How to install

Currently BottomSheet is only available through the Swift Package Manager or manual install.

  1. Installation through Swift Package Manager can be done by going to File > Add Packages. Then enter the following URL in the searchbar;

  2. Manual installation can be done by cloning this repository and dragging all assets into your Xcode Project.

How to use

  1. Import BottomSheet

  2. Create a state property that contains the presentation state of the bottom sheet and one for the current selection;

@Published var isPresented = false
@Published var selectedDetent: BottomSheet.PresentationDetent = .medium
  1. Add the BottomSheetView to your SwiftUI view hierachy by using a view modifier;
    isPresented: $isPresented,
    header: { },
    main: { 
                [.height(244), .fraction(0.4), .medium, .large],
                selection: $selectedDetent
  1. Optionally receive the current panel position with a callback, set a custom background or change the animation curves;
    position: $position,
    animationCurve: SheetAnimation(
        mass: 1,
        stiffness: 250,
        damping: 25
    background: (
    header: { },
    content: {
            .onSheetDrag(translation: $settings.translation)


Modifier Type Default Description
animationCurve.mass Double 1.2 The mass of the object attached to the spring.
animationCurve.stiffness Double 200 The stiffness of the spring.
animationCurve.damping Double 25 The spring damping value.


To give you an idea of how to use this library you can use the example that is attached to this repo. Simply clone it and open the BottomSheetExample folder in Xcode.


  1. Add landscape support
  2. Add iPad support


  • Swift Tools 5.5.0
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  • None
Last updated: Sat Dec 21 2024 04:19:25 GMT-1000 (Hawaii-Aleutian Standard Time)