

An analytics API for Swift


SwiftAnalytics is an API package which tries to establish a common API the ecosystem can use. To make analytics really work for real-world workloads, we need SwiftAnalytics-compatible analytics backends which send events to Firebase, Amplitude, DataDog, etc.

Getting Started

Adding the dependency

To depend on the analytics API package, you need to declare your dependency in your Package.swift:

.package(url: "https://github.com/dankinsoid/swift-analytics.git", from: "1.9.0"),

and to your application/library target, add "SwiftAnalytics" to your dependencies, e.g. like this:

.target(name: "BestExampleApp", dependencies: [
    .product(name: "SwiftAnalytics", package: "swift-analytics")

Let's send events

  1. let's import the SwiftAnalytics API package
import SwiftAnalytics
  1. we need to create a Analytics
let analytics = Analytics()
  1. we're now ready to use it
analytics.send("hello world")

The core concepts


Analytics are used to send events and therefore the most important type in SwiftAnalytics, so their use should be as simple as possible.


Analytics.Event is a type that represents an event that should be sent. It has a name and a dictionary of parameters. Example:

let event = Analytics.Event("hello world", parameters: ["foo": "bar"])

Analytics parameters

Analytics has a parameters that can be shared across all events sent by the same instance of Analytics. Example:

var analytics = Analytics()
analytics.parameters["user-id"] = "\(UUID())"
analytics.send("hello world")

There are some helper functions to set parameters:

let analytics2 = analytics1
	.with("user-id", UUID())
    .with("user-name", "Alice")

let analytics3 = analytics2
    .with(["session-id": UUID()])

On the implementation of a analytics backend (a AnalyticsHandler)

Note: If you don't want to implement a custom analytics backend, everything in this section is probably not very relevant, so please feel free to skip.

To become a compatible analytics backend that all SwiftAnalytics consumers can use, you need to do two things:

  1. Implement a type (usually a struct) that implements AnalyticsHandler, a protocol provided by SwiftAnalytics
  2. Instruct SwiftAnalytics to use your analytics backend implementation.

an AnalyticsHandler or analytics backend implementation is anything that conforms to the following protocol

public protocol AnalyticsHandler {
    var parameters: Analytics.Parameters { get set }
    func send(event: Analytics.Event, file: String, function: String, line: UInt)

Where parameters is a dictionary of parameters that can be shared across all events sent by the same instance of AnalyticsHandler, and send(event:file:function:line:) is a function that sends an event.

Instructing SwiftAnalytics to use your analytics backend as the one the whole application (including all libraries) should use is very simple:



  1. Swift Package Manager

Create a Package.swift file.

// swift-tools-version:5.7
import PackageDescription

let package = Package(
  name: "SomeProject",
  dependencies: [
    .package(url: "https://github.com/dankinsoid/swift-analytics.git", from: "1.9.0")
  targets: [
    .target(name: "SomeProject", dependencies: ["SwiftAnalytics"])
$ swift build


dankinsoid, voidilov@gmail.com


swift-analytics is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.


  • Swift Tools 5.6.0
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  • None
Last updated: Sun Sep 01 2024 13:41:00 GMT-0900 (Hawaii-Aleutian Daylight Time)