

Programmable Video SDK by Twilio

What's New

Twilio Video SDK iOS 4.6.3


This release consumes twilio-video-cpp-6.3.3.

API Changes

  • New error code TVIErrorParticipantSessionLengthExceededError (53216) is added to support configurable participant session limit.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug where media could incorrectly be detected as not flowing after the network connectivity changes. [VIDEO-7685]

Known Issues

  • Audio playback fails when running a simulator on a Mac Mini. #182
  • Carthage is not currently a supported distribution mechanism for Twilio Video. Carthage does not currently work with .xcframeworks as documented here. Once Carthage supports binary .xcframeworks, Carthage distribution will be re-added.
  • Unpublishing and republishing a LocalAudioTrack or LocalVideoTrack might not be seen by Participants. #34
  • H.264 video might become corrupted after a network handoff. #147
  • iOS devices do not support more than three H.264 encoders. Refer to #17 for suggested work arounds.
  • Publishing H.264 video at greater than 1280x720 @ 30fps is not supported. If a failure occurs then no error is raised to the developer. [ISDK-1590]

Size Impact for 4.6.3

Architecture Compressed Size Uncompressed Size
Universal 10.0 MB 21.4 MB
arm64 4.8 MB 11.3 MB
armv7 5.2 MB 10.1 MB

Twilio Programmable Video for iOS

This repository contains releases of Twilio's Programmable Video SDK for iOS. These releases can be consumed using Swift Package Manager, CocoaPods or manual integration into your project.

Swift Package Manager

You can add Programmable Video for iOS by adding the repository as a Swift Package.

In your Build Settings, you will also need to modify Other Linker Flags to include -ObjC.

As of the latest release of Xcode (currently 12.3), there is a known issue with consuming binary frameworks distributed via Swift Package Manager. The current workaround to this issue is to add a Run Script Phase to the Build Phases of your Xcode project. This Run Script Phase should come after the Embed Frameworks build phase. This new Run Script Phase should contain the following code:

find "${CODESIGNING_FOLDER_PATH}" -name '*.framework' -print0 | while read -d $'\0' framework
    codesign --force --deep --sign "${EXPANDED_CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY}" --preserve-metadata=identifier,entitlements --timestamp=none "${framework}"

CocoaPods Integration

We support integration using CocoaPods as well. You can add Programmable Video to your project using the following example Podfile:

source ''

platform :ios, '9.0'

target 'TARGET_NAME' do
    pod 'TwilioVideo', '~> 4.6'

Then run pod install to install the dependencies for your project.

Manual Integration

See manual installation steps.

Carthage Integration

Carthage is not currently a supported distribution mechanism for Twilio Video. Carthage does not currently work with .xcframeworks as documented here. Once Carthage supports binary .xcframeworks, Carthage distribution will be re-added.

Issues and Support

Please file any issues you find here on Github.

Please ensure that you are not sharing any Personally Identifiable Information(PII) or sensitive account information (API keys, credentials, etc.) when reporting an issue.

For general inquiries related to the Video SDK you can file a support ticket.


Twilio Programmable Video for iOS is distributed under TWILIO-TOS.


  • Swift Tools 5.3.0
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  • None
Last updated: Thu Mar 06 2025 18:40:47 GMT-1000 (Hawaii-Aleutian Standard Time)