

Generate images and icons for iOS and Android

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This is the GUI version of the app.


Swift Package Manager Mac

Appetizer is a macOS command line tool that takes an image (in PNG or JPG format) and makes suitable iOS and Android images and app icons.


Command Line

The command appetizer --help will print information about the arguments.

Android Icon

appetizer icon.png 100 100 --androidIcon output

This will create 5 folders in an output folder, each containing icon.png images of different sizes:

Android drawable

The image in drawable-mdpi will have the size 100x100. The others will have greater size.

You can set another name for the android folders, like mipmap:

appetizer icon.png 100 100 --androidIcon output --androidFolderPrefix mipmap

Android mipmap

iOS Icon

appetizer icon.png 100 100 --iosIcon output

This will create 3 images in the output folder:

iOS icon

The size will be 100x100 for icon.png, 200x200 for icon@2x.png and 300x300 for icon@3x.png.

iOS App Icon

appetizer icon.png 100 100 --iosAppIcon output

This will create many images in the output folder:

iOS app icon

The images have each size needed to fully specify an app icon on iOS for the iPhone and the iPad, including the 1024x1024 App Store icon.

(The provided size arguments 100 100 are ignored for app icons)

Single Icon

appetizer icon.png 100 100 --singleIcon output

This will create one image in the output folder: icon.png. The size will be 100x100.

Icon Name

By default, the generated icons will have the same name as the original icon.

The name can be changed using the --name argument:

appetizer icon.png 100 100 --singleIcon output --name monkey

The generated icon will be monkey.png.

Removing White Background

With a source image having white background and a black icon , you might want wo remove the white backgound so that it becomes transparent.

appetizer icon.png 100 100 --singleIcon output --clearWhite

Adding the --clearWhite parameter, the result will be an icon with transparent background:


Using the --color argument, all opaque regions of the icon will be colored:

appetizer icon.png 100 100 --singleIcon output --color #ff5500

Using the source image , the resulting image will look like this


You can add transparent padding to the generated icon using the --padding argument:

appetizer icon.png 100 100 --singleIcon output --padding 20

Source and generated icon in comparison:

Or you can remove padding by providing a negative value:

appetizer icon.png 42 42 --singleIcon output --padding -2

This can be used to remove unwanted borders:


Binary release

Download an appetizer binary from the release section and copy it into the folder /usr/local/bin so that it can be launched from anywhere in the command line.

Run sudo chmod 777 /usr/local/bin/appetizer in the command line to make the file executable.

Compile the source

You can compile the source using the command line:

swift build -c release

Then copy the appetizer binary from the folder .build/release to /usr/local/bin so that it can be launched from anywhere in the command line.


  • Make a macOS app, which has the same functions but with a GUI instead of a command line tool. Users should then be able to use either the command line or the GUI tool.


  • Swift Tools 5.1.0
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Last updated: Fri Oct 18 2024 06:40:56 GMT-0900 (Hawaii-Aleutian Daylight Time)