

Protocol-Oriented Math Functions for Swift

Swift 4.2 MIT LiCENSE build status

OBSOLETED by Swift Numerics

Now that we have apple/swift-numerics officially, you should switch to ElementaryFunctions protocol of RealModule of Numerics.


Protocol-Oriented Math Functions for Swift


This module provides a protocol FloatingPointMath. Conforming protocols MUST implemnt:

public protocol FloatingPointMath {
    init (_:Double)             // BinaryFloatingPoint already has one
    var asDouble:Double { get } // you have to add it yourself

And SHOULD implement (though default implementations are provided):

static func acos (_ x:Self)->Self
static func acosh(_ x:Self)->Self
static func asin (_ x:Self)->Self
static func asinh(_ x:Self)->Self
static func atan (_ x:Self)->Self
static func atanh(_ x:Self)->Self
static func cbrt (_ x:Self)->Self
static func cos  (_ x:Self)->Self
static func cosh (_ x:Self)->Self
static func exp  (_ x:Self)->Self
static func exp2 (_ x:Self)->Self
static func expm1(_ x:Self)->Self
static func log  (_ x:Self)->Self
static func log2 (_ x:Self)->Self
static func log10(_ x:Self)->Self
static func log1p(_ x:Self)->Self
static func sin  (_ x:Self)->Self
static func sinh (_ x:Self)->Self
static func sqrt (_ x:Self)->Self
static func tan  (_ x:Self)->Self
static func tanh (_ x:Self)->Self
static func atan2(_ y:Self, _ x:Self)->Self
static func hypot(_ x:Self, _ y:Self)->Self
static func pow  (_ x:Self, _ y:Self)->Self
static func erf  (_ x:Self)->Self
static func erfc (_ x:Self)->Self
static func lgamma(_ x:Self)->Self
static func tgamma(_ x:Self)->Self

In short, conforming types are guaranteed to have math functions as (static|class) methods. For convenience, Double and Float are made FloatingPointMath when you import.

Unlike Foundation (or Glibc or Darwin), this module:

  • does nothing further. Just math functions found in libm.
  • imports these functions as (static|class) methods to avoid namespace collision.
    import Foundation
    atan2(0.0, -1.0) == M_PI // imported in the global namespace with lots of other symbols
    import FloatingPointMath
    Double.atan2(0.0, -1.0) == Double.pi // explicitly under `Double`.

Conforming to FloatingPointMath

Quick and Dirty Way

If the type already conform to BinaryFloatingPoint, all you have to do is add .asDouble as follows:

extension CGFloat : FloatingPointMath {
    public var asDouble:Double { return Double(self) }

Hard but Right Way

Default implementations just convert to Double, do the calculation and convert the result back like the following.

public static func acos (_ x:Self)->Self { 
  return Self(Darwin.acos (x.asDouble))

So the result is only as accurate as Double. For more accurate floating-point types (say, Float128 or BigFloat), you should implement your own.


Add the following to the Package.swift file of your project.

  • dependencies:

    .package(url: "https://github.com/dankogai/swift-floatingpointmath.git", from: "0.0.7")
  • .target in targets:



  • Swift Tools 4.0.0
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  • None
Last updated: Fri Mar 07 2025 04:38:49 GMT-1000 (Hawaii-Aleutian Standard Time)