

A Swift interface for finding and parsing xcresult files that Xcode generates when running tests.

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This package provides some friendly Swift objects that map to the xcresult objects that you can access using the xcresulttool and xccov apps included in Xcode 11. Both of these apps provide export to JSON options, and this package provides all the JSON parsing required to turn the data into objects you can use.


This is the main entry point for using the package. Just create an instance of this object with the path to the .xcresult you want to extract from:

let resultFile = XCResultFile(url: urlToXCResult)

Once you have created an instance, there are several methods to extract and parse the data. Note that these all shell out to run the xcresulttool or xccov so clearly this will not work on anything but macOS.

To get the ActionsInvocationRecord object (this is the top level object in the .xcresult file):

let invocationRecord = resultFile.getInvocationRecord()

Inside the invocation record you will find test plan run summaries id which you can use to get the details of what tests were ran:

let testPlanRunSummaries = resultFile.getTestPlanRunSummaries(id: "xxx")

You can get the details for an individual test:

let testSummary = resultFile.getActionTestSummary(id: "xxx")

Tests can also include attachments and with the payload ID you can either get the raw data, or export the contents to a file:

let payload = resultFile.getPayload(id: "123")
let exportedPath = resultFile.exportPayload(id: "123")

And you can also get the results of xccov using this simplified method:

let codeCoverage = resultFile.getCodeCoverage()


  • Swift Tools 5.1.0
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Last updated: Sat Mar 08 2025 12:10:22 GMT-1000 (Hawaii-Aleutian Standard Time)