

SDK for native macOS, iOS, tvOS, or watchOS applications

What's New




  • Update all dependencies to latest versions with support for Xcode 13 and iOS 15
    • Most notably Realm from v3.21.0 to v10.15.1

Breaking Changes

  • The designated initializers defined by RLMObject and RealmSwift.Object when inheriting Entity, File, etc. are no longer required and should be removed.
  • Carthage:
    • We are using xcframeworks now
  • SPM:
    • The Package.swift file was updated to use the exact version of dependencies matching the ones from Cartfile.resolved
    • The tests related dependencies are removed from Package.swift

Bug Fixes

  • Fix build error on Cocoapods for WatchOS.

Kinvey Swift SDK


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The Kinvey Swift SDK is a package that can be used to develop iOS applications on the Kinvey platform. Refer to the Kinvey DevCenter for documentation on using Kinvey.

In the version 3 of the library, all new code is written in Swift and any application using v3 must also use Swift to access the API.

While we transition from Objective C to the latest Swift versions, we will use the following branching scheme. Please, pick the right version of our library depending of which langugage / version you are using:

Language / Version Kinvey SDK Version Development Branch
Swift 3 and Swift 4 3.3.0 and above master
Swift 2.3 3.2.x 3.2
Objective-C 1.x 1.x


  • The master branch represents the latest release of the SDK. See the CONTRIBUTING guidelines for details on submitting code.
  • On version 1.x, use the KinveyKit workspace. On all other versions, use the Kinvey workspace.


You will need Carthage, Jazzy and Xcode command line tools installed to be able to build the SDK.

  • make: runs build, archive, pack and docs commands one after another which will build and pack the project and also generate the documentation files using Jazzy

Check the Makefile for all available commands


Use Xcode to run the unit tests.

  • Open the file Kinvey.xcworkspace in Xcode
  • Select the Kinvey scheme
  • Select the menu item Product -> Test or press Command+U

Or run the command line:

make test

Important Note: adding the environment variables KINVEY_APP_KEY, KINVEY_APP_SECRET and KINVEY_MIC_APP_KEY will allow you to run the tests against a real Kinvey environment.


We use GitFlow workflow for better management.

The workflow for releasing a new version of the SDK is as follows:

  1. Merge all waiting pull requests / feature branches on the develop branch.
  2. Bump the version running make set-version on the develop branch.
  3. Checkout the master branch and merge the develop branch.
  4. Tag the version with git.
  5. Push all changes.
  6. Upload the zip file containing all the binary files for Amazon AWS.
  7. Run make deploy-cocoapods in order to publish the new release for CocoaPods
  8. Publish release notes, API Reference Docs, and the Download section in the DevCenter repo.
  9. Push all changes to deploy.
  10. Send the email with the release notes for the Customer Service and Development team

Version Management

Updating the sdk version should follow Semantic Version 2.0.0:

  • Major (x.0.0): when making an incompatible API changes.
  • Minor (3.x.0): when adding functionality in a backwards-compatible manner.
  • Patch (3.0.x): when making backwards-compatible bug fixes or enhancements.


See LICENSE for details.


See for details on reporting bugs and making contributions.


  • Swift Tools 5.0.0
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Last updated: Fri Oct 18 2024 02:26:22 GMT-0900 (Hawaii-Aleutian Daylight Time)