iOS application-wide user notification system.
designed to have minimalistic API and no impact on existing interface. It shows its messages in its own UIWindow
that is dismissed once last message is dismissed.
When user touches message, contents of that message will be copied to clipboard and message will be dismissed. When user touches outside of any shown message, all visible messages will be dismissed and touch will be propagated further down to your app's interface.
Messages can be shown from any thread. Toast
simply dispatches all calls to main thread asynchronously.
Right-to-left languages are fully supported.
Light | Dark |
No launch-time setup is required. Showing, dismissing and arranging on-screen messages is fully automatic.
For most common cases you can use two predefined functions. One for successful events:
title: "Request accepted",
text: "We will contact you within a day."
And one for failure:
title: "Authorization error",
text: "User name or password is incorrect."
To show a message with custom colors use:
title: "Package status",
text: "Transferred to a local agent for delivery.",
foreground: .white,
background: .systemTeal,
touched: .white,
icon: UIImage(systemName: "shippingbox.fill"),
accessory: UIImage(systemName: "chevron.forward"),
timeout: 6,
tap: {
// show status page
stores its defaults in Toast/Toast/Config
structure. You can adjust it just like so:
Toast.Config.textFont = .preferredFont(forTextStyle: .callout)
Toast.Config.cornerRadius = 16
Toast.Config.shadowOpacity = 0.15 = UIImage(systemName: "", withConfiguration: UIImage.SymbolConfiguration(pointSize: 32)) = 6
Toast.Config.error.icon = UIImage(systemName: "exclamationmark.triangle.fill", withConfiguration: UIImage.SymbolConfiguration(pointSize: 32))
Денис Либит,
Toast is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.