

Retrofit-like API contract definition in Swift.


This library provides the approach to API contract definition in the Retrofit-like fashion on Swift.

It gives possibility to define API in this way:

final class SchedulesApi: ApiDomain {
    var getSchedules: (GetSchedulesRequest) async throws -> GetSchedulesResponse

    var createSchedule: (CreateScheduleRequest) async throws -> Empty

    var updateSchedule: (UpdateScheduleRequest) async throws -> UpdateScheduleResponse

    var deleteSchedule: (DeleteScheduleRequest) async throws -> Either<DeleteScheduleResponse, DeleteScheduleErrorResponse>

*Request types provide more details on endpoints contracts, namely define parameters and their mapping to the HTTP params - Query, Header, Path, JsonBody:

struct GetSchedulesRequest {
    @Query var page: Int
    @Query("limit") var schedulesPerPage: Int = 0
    @Header("X-Account-Id") var accountId: String = ""

struct CreateScheduleRequest {
    @Header("X-Account-Id") var accountId: String = ""
    @JsonBody var scheduleBody: Schedule

struct DeleteScheduleRequest {
    @Path("schedule_id") var ScheduleId: String = ""
    @Header("X-Account-Id") var accountId: String = ""

Usage is quite simple:

let transport: HttpTransport = ....
let api = SchedulesApi(transport: transport)

let request = GetSchedulesRequest(page: 1, schedulesPerPage: 30, accountId: "acc_id")
let response = try await api.getSchedules(request)

Additionally responses can be mocked in a straightforward and self-describing way:

api.getSchedules = { _ in

api.deleteSchedule = { _ in
    throw URLError(.userAuthenticationRequired)

api.deleteSchedule = { _ in
    .errorResponse(DeleteScheduleErrorResponse(errorMessage: "Schedule not found"))

ApiDomain in the simplest case can be implemented as follow:

class ApiDomain: Domain {
    override init(transport: HttpTransport) {
        super.init(transport: transport)
        transport.setConfiguration(scheme: "https", host: "", sharedHeaders: nil)

More complex solutions can include, for example, session token management.

HttpTransport is the protocol describing HTTP network communication layer.

public protocol HttpTransport {
    func setConfiguration(scheme: String, host: String, sharedHeaders: [String: String]?)
    func sendRequest(with params: HttpRequestParams) async throws -> HttpOperationResult

DemoProject contains simple implementation based on the UrlSession, but you can provide yours depending on your needs.


Supported HTTP methods:

  • @Delete
  • @Get
  • @Head
  • @Patch
  • @Post
  • @Put

Supported parameter types:

  • @Header
  • @Path
  • @Query
  • @JsonBody

By default parameter name is taken from the variable name, but it can be customized:

@Header("X-Account-Id") var accountId: String = ""

Supported response types:

  • any type conforming to Decodable
  • Either<Response: Decodable, ErrorResponse: Decodable>
  • Empty

Either type allows to get either success or error response.

Response mocking. You can easily mock response by assigning directly to the api's endpoint definition:

api.deleteSchedule = { _ in
    .errorResponse(DeleteScheduleErrorResponse(errorMessage: "Schedule not found"))

Adding RetroSwift as a Dependency


If you're working with a project in Xcode RetroSwift can be easily integrated:

  1. In Xcode, select File > Add Packages...
  2. Or go to the project's settings, select your project from the list, go to the Package Dependencies and click + button
  3. Specify the Repository:
  4. Go to the Target, on General tab find Frameworks, Libraries and Embedded content section, click '+' and add RetroSwift library as a dependency

Swift Package Manager

To use this library in a SwiftPM project, add the following line to the dependencies in your Package.swift file:

.package(url: "", from: "0.0.1"),

and include it as a dependency for your target:

    dependencies: [

Finally, add import RetroSwift to your source code.


  • Swift Tools 5.7.0
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  • None
Last updated: Wed Nov 27 2024 02:53:07 GMT-1000 (Hawaii-Aleutian Standard Time)