

Makes it easy to securely implement slash-commands

What's New


Tests License Supported Platforms

This Package helps with the integration of slash commands in Swift-Projects

Supported Devices

iOS 17.0+

MacOS 14.0+

macCatalyst 17.0+

tvOS 17.0+

visionOS 1.0+


Swift Package Manager (SPM

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Getting Started

Import SlashCommands

import SlashCommands

Create a Command

class Example: Command {
    init(completion: @escaping ([String : Any]) -> Void) {
        self.completion = completion
    var command: String = "example"
    var parameters: [CommandParameter] = [ //enter as many parameters as you like or leave empty
        CommandParameter(id: 0, name: "param1", datatype: .bool, required: true), //throws an error if not included in the executed command
        CommandParameter(id: 1, name: "param2", datatype: .int, required: false) //doesn't need to be in the executed command

    //set which level of permission is needed to execute this command,
    //set to .none and usen.none in the execution if you don't have permission layers or as default state
    var minPermissions: Permission = .none 

    //Useful for selection if there are multiple commands with the same call-string
    var commandOwner: String = "Example"

    //expects a function in the initializer that gets called when the command gets executed
    var completion: ([String : Any]) -> Void 

    //gets a dictionary of parameter on call.
    //Eg. "/example param1: true param2: 1" results in ["param1": true, "param2": 1], values get checked if they are the correct type
    //Function can be declared anywhere, outside of the class as well
    public static func complete(_ : [String:Any])-> Void { 
        print("example executed")

Create a CommandCollection and add the commands

let collection = CommandCollection()
collection.commands.append(Example(completion: Example.complete))

Get commands for an input string and permissionlevel

//get all commands that you are allowed to use with .none permissions
let commands = collection.commands(for: "/", highestPermission: .none)
//commands contains [Example] now

//get all commands that you are allowed to use with .muted permissions
let commands = collection.commands(for: "/", highestPermission: .muted)
//commands is empty, since .muted is below .none

//get all commands that start with "e" that you are allowed to use with .none permissions
let commands = collection.commands(for: "/e", highestPermission: .none)
//commands contains [Example] now

//get all commands for "/example param1": (only searches for example) that you are allowed to use with .none permissions
let commands = collection.commands(for: "/example param1:", highestPermission: .none)
//commands contains [Example] now

Execute a command

try collection.execute(collection.commands.first!, with: "/example param1: false", highestPermission: .none)
//prints in the console:
//example executed


//the following errors can be thrown
public enum CommandError: Error, Equatable{
    case missingParameter
    case regexFailed
    case paramInvalidType(String)
    case insufficientPermissions
    case invalidCommandnameForSelectedCommand
    case missingSlash

Bugreport and feature requests

Please open an issue for any bugs that may occure. If you want to request a feature, please also open an issue, explicitly describing the feature


  • Swift Tools 5.10.0
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  • None
Last updated: Thu Oct 17 2024 21:56:13 GMT-0900 (Hawaii-Aleutian Daylight Time)