iOS 17.0+
MacOS 14.0+
macCatalyst 17.0+
tvOS 17.0+
visionOS 1.0+
Add the URL below to your project's Package Dependencies
Import SlashCommands
import SlashCommands
Create a Command
class Example: Command {
init(completion: @escaping ([String : Any]) -> Void) {
self.completion = completion
var command: String = "example"
var parameters: [CommandParameter] = [ //enter as many parameters as you like or leave empty
CommandParameter(id: 0, name: "param1", datatype: .bool, required: true), //throws an error if not included in the executed command
CommandParameter(id: 1, name: "param2", datatype: .int, required: false) //doesn't need to be in the executed command
//set which level of permission is needed to execute this command,
//set to .none and usen.none in the execution if you don't have permission layers or as default state
var minPermissions: Permission = .none
//Useful for selection if there are multiple commands with the same call-string
var commandOwner: String = "Example"
//expects a function in the initializer that gets called when the command gets executed
var completion: ([String : Any]) -> Void
//gets a dictionary of parameter on call.
//Eg. "/example param1: true param2: 1" results in ["param1": true, "param2": 1], values get checked if they are the correct type
//Function can be declared anywhere, outside of the class as well
public static func complete(_ : [String:Any])-> Void {
print("example executed")
Create a CommandCollection and add the commands
let collection = CommandCollection()
collection.commands.append(Example(completion: Example.complete))
Get commands for an input string and permissionlevel
//get all commands that you are allowed to use with .none permissions
let commands = collection.commands(for: "/", highestPermission: .none)
//commands contains [Example] now
//get all commands that you are allowed to use with .muted permissions
let commands = collection.commands(for: "/", highestPermission: .muted)
//commands is empty, since .muted is below .none
//get all commands that start with "e" that you are allowed to use with .none permissions
let commands = collection.commands(for: "/e", highestPermission: .none)
//commands contains [Example] now
//get all commands for "/example param1": (only searches for example) that you are allowed to use with .none permissions
let commands = collection.commands(for: "/example param1:", highestPermission: .none)
//commands contains [Example] now
Execute a command
try collection.execute(collection.commands.first!, with: "/example param1: false", highestPermission: .none)
//prints in the console:
//example executed
//the following errors can be thrown
public enum CommandError: Error, Equatable{
case missingParameter
case regexFailed
case paramInvalidType(String)
case insufficientPermissions
case invalidCommandnameForSelectedCommand
case missingSlash
Please open an issue for any bugs that may occure. If you want to request a feature, please also open an issue, explicitly describing the feature