

A fully Swift implementation of the zxcvbn password strength package


A realistic password strength estimator.

This is a Pure Swift implementation based on the package zxcvbn created by the team at Dropbox. The original library, written for JavaScript, can be found here.

This is currently the only Pure Swift implementation, which is required for use with Vapor, but also works well with any iOS or macOS project written in Swift


Tested in Swift 5.9

  • Accepts user data to be added to the dictionaries that are tested against (name, birthdate, etc)
  • Gives a score to the password, from 0 (terrible) to 4 (great)
  • Provides feedback on the password and ways to improve it
  • Returns time estimates on how long it would take to guess the password in different situations


Installing in Vapor:

To your dependencies add

dependencies: [
    // Other packages
    .package(url: "https://github.com/DeVitoC/zxcvbn-swift", from: "1.00.02")

and to your targets add

targets: [
        dependencies: [
            // Other dependencies 
            .product(name: "zxcvbn", package: "zxcvbn-swift")

Installing in iOS:

From the menu select File -> Add Package Dependencies

Search for github.com/DeVitoC/zxcvbn-swift

Select zxcvbn-swift (make sure it is from github.com/DeVitoC).

Select "Up To Next Major Version"

Click "Add Package"


Pass a password as the first parameter, and a list of user-provided inputs as the userInputs parameter (optional).

Example in Vapor with all possible properties of the return object shown and just returning the score.

import zxcvbn

//Other code
func checkPassword(req: Request) async throws -> Int {
    let password = try req.content.decode(String.self)
    let result = zxcvbn(password)

    let score = result.score ?? 0
    let calcTime = result.calcTime
    let feedback = result.feedback
    let guesses = result.guesses
    let guessesLog10 = result.guessesLog10
    let passwordResult = result.password

    let crackTimesSeconds = result.crackTimesSeconds
    let crackTimesSecondsOfflineFastHash = crackTimesSeconds?.offlineFastHashing1e10PerSecond
    let crackTimesSecondsOfflineSlowHash = crackTimesSeconds?.offlineSlowHashing1e4PerSecond
    let crackTimesSecondsOnlineThrottling10PerSecond = crackTimesSeconds?.onlineNoThrottling10PerSecond
    let crackTimesSecondsOnlineThrottling100PerSecond = crackTimesSeconds?.onlineThrottling100PerHour

    let crackTimesDisplay = result.crackTimesDisplay
    let crackTimesDisplayOfflineFastHash = crackTimesDisplay?.offlineFastHashing1e10PerSecond
    let crackTimesDisplayOfflineSlowHash = crackTimesDisplay?.offlineSlowHashing1e4PerSecond
    let crackTimesDisplayOnlineThrottling10PerSecond = crackTimesDisplay?.onlineNoThrottling10PerSecond
    let crackTimesDisplayOnlineThrottling100PerSecond = crackTimesDisplay?.onlineThrottling100PerHour

    return score



The project is licensed under the MIT license.


  • Swift Tools 5.9.0
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  • None
Last updated: Tue Dec 31 2024 16:54:12 GMT-1000 (Hawaii-Aleutian Standard Time)