A secondary encapsulation of https://github.com/Boilertalk/secp256k1.swift, well-tested and easy to use.
You can use The Swift Package Manager to install Secp256k1Swift
by adding the proper description to your Package.swift
import PackageDescription
let package = Package(
dependencies: [
.package(url: "https://github.com/LanfordCai/Secp256k1Swift.git", from: "0.1.1"),
Then run swift build
whenever you get prepared.
let (privkey, pubkey) = try! Secp256k1.keyPair()
let result = Secp256k1.isValidPrivateKey(privkey)
let sig = try! Secp256k1.sign(msg: msg, with: privkey, nonceFunction: .default)
let result = Secp256k1.verify(msg: msg, sig: sig, pubkey: pubkey)
let (sig, recID) = try! Secp256k1.signCompact(msg: msg, with: privkey, nonceFunction: .default)
let result = Secp256k1.verifyCompact(msg: msg, sig: sig, pubkey: pubkey)
For more usage examples, please checkout the Tests
The test vectors are from https://github.com/btccom/secp256k1-go