Danger Swift plugin for Xcode Static Analzyer. So you can get analyzer warnings on your pull requests!
Install and run Danger Swift as normal.
- npm install -g danger # This installs Danger
- brew install danger/tap/danger-swift # This installs Danger-Swift
Then use the following Dangerfile.swift
// Dangerfile.swift
import Danger
import DangerXcodeStaticAnalyzer // package: https://github.com/hteytan/DangerXcodeStaticAnalyzer.git
XcodeStaticAnalyzer.analyze(arguments: [...])
That will run the static analzyer and report warnings inline for created and modified files. Violations that are out of the diff will show in danger's fail or warn section.
By default, only the warnings from files that were added or modified are reported; however, you can use the reportAllFiles
option to report warnings from all files.
XcodeStaticAnalyzer.analyze(arguments: [...], reportAllFiles=true)
Thank you, ashfurrow.