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Swift(UI) wrapper for EventKit

Shift is a async wrapper for EventKit:

  • SwiftUI supported
  • Async/await ready (tag: v0.5.0)
  • Thread-safe (with actor).
  • Result completion handler (tag: 0.3.2)


This component is built using Swift Package Manager, it is pretty straight forward to use:

  1. In Xcode (11+), open your project and navigate to File > Swift Packages > Add Package Dependency...
  2. Paste the repository URL (https://github.com/vinhnx/Shift) and click Next.
  3. For Rules, select Version, in here, you can choose either:
  • Async/await => tag 0.5.0
  • Result-based completion handler => tag 0.3.2
  1. Click Finish to resolve package into your Xcode project.

Screen Shot 2021-08-15 at 11 28 54

Tag Version:

Async/await pattern is now ready, in tag 0.5.0

In order to use old Result-based completion hanlders, please use tag 0.3.2.


  • iOS version 15 for async/await, tag 0.5.0
  • iOS version 14 and below for Result-based, tag <0.3.2
  • Swift version 5.5
  • Xcode 13

Getting Started

First thing first: Add Calendar usage description to your app's Info.plist to request for user's Calendars access.

	<string>&quot;$(PRODUCT_NAME) needs your permission to create events&quot;</string>

(Optional) configure own calendar name to request access to, preferrable in AppDelegate (Swift) or App (SwiftUI):

Swift AppDelegate:

import UIKit

class AppDelegate: UIResponder, UIApplicationDelegate {
    func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {
        // Override point for customization after application launch.
        return true

SwiftUI App:

import SwiftUI
import Shift

struct MyApp: App {
    init() {

    var body: some Scene {
        WindowGroup {

Usage Example

Fetch Events:


do {
    let events = try await Shift.shared.fetchEvents(for: Date()) // await for events fetching
} catch {
    print(error) // handle error

or, you can ignore event, like so:

let events = try? await Shift.shared.fetchEvents(for: Date()) // await for events fetching


Shift.shared.fetchEvents(for: Date()) { result in
	switch result {
	case let .success(events): print(events) // got events
	case let .failure(error): print(error) // handle error
Shift.shared.fetchEventsRangeUntilEndOfDay(from: Date()) { result in
    switch result {
	case let .success(events): print(events) // got events
	case let .failure(error): print(error) // handle error

Create Event:


try? await Shift.shared.createEvent("Be happy!", startDate: startTime, endDate: endTime)


Shift.shared.createEvent("Be happy!", startDate: startTime, endDate: endTime) { result in
	switch result {
	case let .success(event): print(event) // created event
	case let .failure(error): print(error) // handle error

Delete event:


try? await Shift.shared.deleteEvent(identifier: eventID)


Shift.shared.deleteEvent(identifier: eventID) { result in
	switch result {
	case let .success: print("done!") // deleted event
	case let .failure(error): print(error) // handle error

SwiftUI Example

Shift is conformed ObservableObject with an @Published events property, so it's straight-forward to use in SwiftUI binding mechanism.

Result-based example:

import EventKit
import SwiftUI
import Shift

struct ContentView: View {
    @StateObject var eventKitWrapper = Shift.shared
    @State private var selectedEvent: EKEvent?

    var body: some View {
        LazyVStack(alignment: .leading, spacing: 10) {
            ForEach(eventKitWrapper.events, id: \.self) { event in
                Text(event: event)
        .onAppear { eventKitWrapper.fetchEventsForToday() }

async/await example:

import EventKit
import SwiftUI
import Shift

struct ContentView: View {
    @StateObject var eventKitWrapper = Shift.shared
    @State private var selectedEvent: EKEvent?

    var body: some View {
        LazyVStack(alignment: .leading, spacing: 10) {
            ForEach(eventKitWrapper.events, id: \.self) { event in
                Text(event: event)
        .task { 
            try? await eventKitWrapper.fetchEventsForToday() 

Apps currently using Shift

  • Clendar - Clendar - universal calendar app. Written in SwiftUI. Available on App Store. MIT License.

(add yours here)

Help, feedback or suggestions?

Feel free to open an issue or contact me on Twitter for discussions, news & announcements & other projects. 🚀

I hope you like it! :)


  • Swift Tools 5.5.0
View More Packages from this Author


  • None
Last updated: Sun Jun 30 2024 10:25:55 GMT-0900 (Hawaii-Aleutian Daylight Time)