

A swift library to deal with authentication scopes

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  • Add Swift 5.10 support

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Handle authentication scopes with ease.


Swift Package Manager

Add the following package dependency to your Package.swift:

.package(url: "", from: "4.0.0"),


The main object you want to use is Scope<AccessRange>. It's generic and wraps all the logic around a given AccessRange type. Since Scope can't know what access ranges you have, you need to provide them yourself. Typically, this is done by using an enum and conforming it to AccessRangeProtocol:

enum MyAccessRange: String, AccessRangeProtocol, CaseIterable {
    case readPosts = "posts:read"
    case writePosts = "posts:write"

    case readUsers = "users:read"
    case writeUsers = "users:write"

You can then use your enum with Scope:

let postsScope = Scope<MyAccessRange>(accessRanges: .readPosts, .writePosts)

postsScope.contains(.writePosts) // -> true
postsScope.contains(.readUsers) // -> false

Scope conforms to SetAlgebra to make checking access ranges easier:

let completeScope = Scope<MyAccessRange>.all // `.all` is available when `AccessRange` conforms to `CaseIterable`
completeScope.isSuperset(of: postsScope) // -> true

Scope is also able to generate a "scope string", since this is usually how they're provided to APIs. The "scope string" contains all access ranges (their rawValue to be exact) separated by space. It's important to note that Scope does not keep the access ranges in a given order. This means, that it's not guaranteed that two calls to scopeString will contain the access ranges in the same order. It is guaranteed, however, that the resulting scope contains all access ranges. Scope can of course also be created from a scope string. This initializer will throw an error if any of the contained access ranges is not valid.

let usersScope: Scope<MyAccessRange> = [.readUsers, .writeUsers]
let string = usersScope.scopeString // -> "users:read users:write" OR "users:write users:read"
let recreatedScope = try Scope<MyAccessRange>(scopeString: string)
usersScope == recreatedScope // true

Scope is also Codable and encodes/decodes itself as its scope string.

Last but not least, Scope also provides some useful regular expression patterns, that can be used to perform matches on a string basis. This is not recommended if your scopes are available as Swift types, but can be useful if you have to match scopes e.g. in a database. There are currently three regular expression patterns that are provided:

  • exactMatchRegexPattern: Returns a pattern that matches a scope string that contains exactly the same access ranges. Not more and not less.
  • containsAllRegexPattern: Returns a pattern that matches a scope string that contains all access ranges, but is allowed to contain more.
  • containsAnyRegexPattern: Returns a pattern that matches a scope string that contains any access ranges. A match is made as soon as one access range is contained.

For all these patterns, a Regex is available as well.


The API is documented using header doc. If you prefer to view the documentation as a webpage, there is an online version available for you.


If you find a bug / like to see a new feature in AuthScope there are a few ways of helping out:

  • If you can fix the bug / implement the feature yourself please do and open a PR.
  • If you know how to code (which you probably do), please add a (failing) test and open a PR. We'll try to get your test green ASAP.
  • If you can do neither, then open an issue. While this might be the easiest way, it will likely take the longest for the bug to be fixed / feature to be implemented.


See LICENSE file.


  • Swift Tools 5.10.0
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Last updated: Fri Mar 07 2025 22:00:50 GMT-1000 (Hawaii-Aleutian Standard Time)